ITS CALLS: This file attempts to maintain up-to-date documentation on all symbolic ("new") system calls. Those wonderful souls who update the information in any way (additions, deletions, corrections) should describe their modifications in a brief note to INFO-ITS@AI so that interested parties can correct their copies or conceptions without needing to print or read the entire file again. For example: :MAIL INFO-ITS@AI I added more details to the "FOO" call ^C If you want to be put on the INFO-ITS mailing list, just say so in a message to it. ------------------------------------------------- The format for executing a new system call is: CALL: .CALL CALBLK ;the call itself ;error return is to CALL+1 ;successful return is to CALL+2 ... CALBLK: SETZ ;always SIXBIT /NAME/ ;where "NAME" is any implemented call parm1 ;parameters start here parm2 ... SETZ parmn ;bit 4.9 (SETZ) => last argument A list of all implemented system calls may be seen in AI:SYSTEM;ITS > starting at SYSCTB:. The actual addresses within ITS where each call is executed may be found from the table starting at SYSCTD:. There are four types of parameters: (input) argument (output) value (error) error return code (input) control Bits 4.1-4.3 of the parameter word form an "op code" for that parameter: Op Code Meaning Symbol Value 0 argument %CLIN 0000 1 immediate argument %CLIMM 1000 2 value %CLOUT 2000 3 error return code %CLERR 3000 4 control %CLBTW 4000 5 immediate control %CLBIT 5000 The indirect, index, and address fields are used to calculate an effective address, PDP-10 style. These point to the location where the argument is or the output is to be placed. For immediate parameters the address itself is the argument or control bits. (Some calls update their input arguments. Such arguments may not be immediate.) The order of the input arguments matters; so does the order of the output values. Other than that, the order is irrelevant. (As a matter of style, one normally writes them in the order "control, arguments, values, errors" for clarity. In the descriptions given here the parameters will always be described in that order.) If too many input arguments are present, the excess are ignored, except that more than 9 arguments will cause error 15. If too few arguments are present, error 30 occurs. If too many output values are specified, the extra values will be garbage. If too few output values are specified, only those specified will receive information, and any extra output is thrown away. Specifying more than one error return parameter causes error 15. Specifying an illegal sixbit name for the call causes error 43. If an error return parameter is specified, then if the call takes the non-skip return an error code will (probably) have been stored into the error return parameter. It is also stored into the I/O Status Word of some channel, as before. If the call fails but no error code is returned, the error return parameter is zeroed. Note that the error return parameter is also zeroed if the call succeeds. Also, since this zeroing takes place when the arguments are first processed, the error return parameter should not be located on top of any input arguments. Only one error return parameter is permitted. The values of all control bit parameters given are XOR'ed together, and the result may or may not be used by the system call. Only the right half of a non-immediate control bit parameter is significant. Some system calls XOR the left half of their first argument with the control bits as well. FAILURE CODES: Returned by New System CALLs (and .OPEN's, etc.) The failure code from a new system call that doesn't skip can be obtained by reading the .USET variable .BCHN to find the number of the channel on which the code was returned, and then reading that channel's .IOS variable (using the .STATUS uuo or the STATUS symbolic call) to get a word with the error code in bits 3.6-3.1. Alternatively an error return code argument may be specified and the error code will be stored right-justified (not in bits 3.6-3.1, but bits 1.6-1.1). To get the corresponding message from the ERR device, use a first file name of 4 (number, not sixbit) and use the error code as the second file name. The error codes which may be returned by each individual call are described in the documentation for that call. Note that if the call is interpreted by a job device, any error code may be returned, not just those documented; job devices should, however, adhere as closely as possible to normal error code conventions. Errors codes 15, 30, 43, and 44 may be returned by any symbolic system call, and so are not included under the individual descriptions. The ERR device can be used to get a corresponding message as indicated in the table on the following page. See the OPEN system call for information on the ERR device. The error codes have symbolic names, which are pre-defined in DDT and MIDAS. The first two characters in the name are "%E". The remaining letters usually follow the following conventions. 3rd and 4th letters: "TM" = "too many", "BD" = "bad or illegal", "TF" = "too few", "RO" = "read-only", "NA" = "not available", "NS" = "no such", "EX" = "already exists", "FL" = "full", "NR" = "not ready". 5th and 6th letters: "JB" = "job", "RG" = "arg", "DV" = "device", "DR" = "directory", "IO" = "direction", "FL" = "file", "FN" = "file name". ERROR CODES: Number Symbolic Message ------ -------- ------- 1 %ENSDV NO SUCH DEVICE 2 %ENSIO WRONG DIRECTION 3 %ETMTR TOO MANY TRANSLATIONS 4 %ENSFL FILE NOT FOUND 5 %EFLDR DIRECTORY FULL 6 %EFLDV DEVICE FULL 7 %ENRDV DEVICE NOT READY 10 %ENADV DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE 11 %EBDFN ILLEGAL FILE NAME 12 %ENSMD MODE NOT AVAILABLE 13 %EEXFL FILE ALREADY EXISTS 14 %EBDCH BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 15 %ETMRG TOO MANY ARGUMENTS 16 %ENAPK PACK NOT MOUNTED 17 %ENADR DIRECTORY NOT AVAIL 20 %ENSDR NON-EXISTENT DIRECTORY 21 %ELCDV LOCAL DEVICE ONLY 22 %ESCO SELF-CONTRADICTORY OPEN 23 %ENAFL FILE LOCKED 24 %ETMDR M.F.D. FULL 25 %EMCHN DEVICE NOT ASSIGNABLE TO THIS PROCESSOR 26 %ERODV DEVICE WRITE-LOCKED 27 %ETMLK LINK DEPTH EXCEEDED 30 %ETFRG TOO FEW ARGUMENTS 31 %EROJB CAN'T MODIFY JOB 32 %EROPG CAN'T GET THAT ACCESS TO PAGE 33 %EBDRG MEANINGLESS ARGS 34 %EBDDV WRONG TYPE DEVICE 35 %ENSJB NO SUCH JOB 36 %EBOJ VALID CLEAR OR STORED SET 37 %ENACR NO CORE AVAILABLE 40 %ETOP NOT TOP LEVEL 41 %ENAPP OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN 42 %ENAJB JOB GONE OR GOING AWAY 43 %ENSCL ILLEGAL SYSTEM CALL NAME 44 %ENSCH CHANNEL NOT OPEN 45 %ENRBF INPUT BUFFER EMPTY OR OUTPUT BUFFER FULL 46 %EBDFL UNRECOGNIZABLE FILE 47 %EBDLK LINK TO NON-EXISTENT FILE ARGS: Special Common Types of Arguments TTY channel # STY channel # (accesses TTY which is STY's alter ego) 400000 + TTY # (may be used to examine TTY variables, but not to alter them or to transact input/output) channel # for USR device channel # for JOB device (means job on other end, unless argument may also be a , in which case the job device will interpret things) channel # for BOJ device (means calling job) channel # for STY device (means job possessing the corresponding TTY) 400000 + job # (user index) -1 or 777777 specifies self. 400377 specifies superior. 400376 specifies the pdp6. The symbols %JSELF (777777), %JSNUM (400000), %JSSIX (400376), and %JSSUP (400377) are pre-defined in MIDAS and DDT. Various other symbols beginning with %JS are defined for special codes that can be used instead of a spec with certain calls; they are documented under those calls. channel # for JOB device Many symbolic system calls which take a channel number as the first argument may be passed to JOB devices for interpretation by that device. A few act on the device itself, and are not passed for interpretation. Those passed for interpretation include: ACCESS CNSGET CNSSET DIRSIZ DSKUPD FILBLK FILLEN FINISH FORCE JOBCAL JOBGET JOBINT JOBIOC JOBRET JOBSTS LISTEN NETAC NETBLK NETINT RAUTH RHCST RCPOS RDMPBT RENMWO RESET RESRDT RFDATE RFPNTR RSSIZE SAUTH SCML SCPOS SDMPBT SETIOC SFDATE SRDATE SREAPB STLGET STYGET TTYGET TTYSET TTYVAR TVWHER WHOLIN WHYINT The JOB device may of course interpret such calls in any way desired, and return any results desired. It is of course advisable to adhere as closely to the standard actions of each call as possible. Most of the above calls simply pass the symbolic call name and arguments along to the JOB device. The following have special interfaces for historical reasons: ACCESS RCHST RENMWO RESET The following calls can open up a JOB device if their sixbit device name argument is not the name of a device that is built into the system: DELETE MLINK OPEN RENAME Those calls which are definitely NOT passed for interpretation include: CLOSE IOT SIOT STATUS RFNAME IOPUSH IOPOP These calls interact with the JOB device in another way. A number of these calls include special bits and fields in their arguments or return values. Several files exist which contain symbolic definitions of these bits and fields. These files can be inserted into a MIDAS program with .INSRT. In addition, most of the symbols are predefined in MIDAS and DDT through a symbol table in the system. The symbols defined are the same as used in this documentation. The following files exist on the SYSENG directory. FSDEFS > Bits in fields used by the file system, including the format of directories. ITS BITS Miscellaneous bits and codes. The following errors are standard for all calls that take arguments, and are generally not documented under the individual calls: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER The argument was not a special negative code, not 400000+a user number, and not a valid channel number. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS A random number that could not be decoded was given as a argument. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE A channel number was specified that did not have open an appropriate type of device (generally USR, STY, or BOJ). 35 NO SUCH JOB 400000+user number was specified, but the user number did not correspond to a currently-existing job, or 400377 was given, specifying the superior, but the job was top-level. 41 OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN A STY channel number was specified, but the corresponding TTY was free and had no associated job. 42 JOB GONE OR GOING AWAY The specified job exists but is in process of being killed. The following errors are standard for all calls that take arguments: 1 NO SUCH DEVICE 400000+tty number was specified, but there is no tty with the indicated number. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER The argument was not 400000+tty number and was not a valid channel number. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE A channel number argument does not refer to a channel open to a STY or a TTY. 44 CHANNEL NOT OPEN The specified channel is not open. ACCESS: set file access pointer arg 1 Channel number. arg 2 New access pointer. This pointer is the number of bytes from the beginning of the file of the next byte to be processed. Note that in block mode, even ASCII block mode, a byte is always a full word. This is useful primarily for DSK and disk-like job devices; that is, any device which has "files." See also the .ACCESS uuo. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER If the ACCESS pointer is set to more than the number of words in in the file, an IOC error 2 will occur on the next IOT operation on that channel. ATTACH: attach a job-tree to a console (ITS DETACH) cbits 2.9 If there are 2 args, causes the jname of the job being attached to be changed to HACTRN, unless there is already a HACTRN. 1.3 "P" the job by clearing bit 4.4 of .USTP arg 1 to be attached to the console. arg 2 Optional: to attach it to. Must be free. If not present, the executing job must be top-level and console-controlled; it is logged out, and its console used as the tty to attach to. Attaching a job tree to a tty causes the job tree to be console-controlled with the specified tty as its console. The specified job must be either the top-level job of a disowned job tree, or a direct inferior of the job executing the ATTACH; in the latter case the specified job is disowned first. The tty to be attached to must be free. In the one-argument case the job executing the ATTACH must be the top-level job of a console-controlled job tree; it is logged out to make the console free. The one-argument case furthermore causes the attached job to take on the jname of the job executing the ATTACH. In the 2-argument case, control bit 400000 causes the attached job to take on the jname HACTRN, unless that would cause it to have the same names as an existing job. The one-argument case is made available in DDT via the command :ATTACH, which attaches the current job to the console. Also, when a user logs in (say as FOO), DDT checks for the existence of a job called FOO HACTRO; if it exists, DDT asks: --ATTACH YOUR DETACHED JOB-- If at this point the user types a space, DDT executes the commands "HACTROJ :ATTACH ", thereby attaching the HACTRO to the console, and changing the HACTRO's name to HACTRN. This affords a convenient method of recovery from automatic detachment. See the DETACH symbolic system call. Errors: 10 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE This job's tree is not console-controlled (one argument); the specified tty is not free or does not exist (two arguments). 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER The first argument is not a valid channel number. 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The specified job is not disowned or a direct inferior. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE First argument must be a job. 35 NO SUCH JOB First argument specified a non-existent job. 40 NOT TOP LEVEL The executing job must be a top-level job (one argument). ATTY: pass tty to inferior arg 1 The tree's console tty is passed to the , which must be a direct inferior. This is the same as the .ATTY uuo. Errors: 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The specified job is not a direct inferior. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The specified job is the pdp-6. 42 JOB GONE OR GOING AWAY The specified job is dying. CALL: perform system call arg 1 Name of symbolic system call to perform. The other arguments serve as the arguments to the specified symbolic call. The values and errors returned by that call become the values and errors of this call. This is useful if the name of a symbolic call is to be determined dynamically. Lisp hackers should think of this as the "Funcall" system call. CHAOSO: open Chaosnet connection arg 1 - receive channel number arg 2 - transmit channel number arg 3 - receive window size First, the two specified channels are closed. Then an index is assigned to the user and the two channels are set up to point to it. Two channels are used since in general ITS channels are unidirectional, and to allow to the user to handle receive and transmit interrupts differently. The created index is placed in the Closed state. To set up a connection, IOT an RFC or LSN packet down the transmit channel. CHAOSQ: Chaosnet Queue arg 1 - address of a 126.-word block (packet buffer) This is a special system call for use by the ATSIGN CHAOS program, which is a daemon program that gets run when an RFC is received that does not match up against an existing LSN. The first packet on the pending-RFC queue is copied into the packet buffer, then moved to the end of the queue (so that the right thing happens when several RFC's are pending at the same time.) The call fails if the pending-RFC queue is empty. The program should use the contact name in this packet to choose a server program to execute. This server program will then LSN to (presumably) the same contact name, thus picking up the RFC. CLOSE: close input/output channel arg 1 Channel number to close. The specified input/output channel is closed. For TCP connections: A CLOSE on the output channel will cause an automatic FORCE, and a FIN segment will be sent to the remote host indicating "no more data to send". However, the input channel will remain open, and data can continue to be read from it. A CLOSE on the input channel will cause any further input received to be thrown away by ITS. Output can continue to be sent. Return from this call is immediate; it will not hang. Note that, like NCP, this does not allow the user to determine whether the last stuff successfully reached the destination or not. When this is desirable, a FINISH should be done prior to the CLOSE. For the Chaosnet: Immediately closes the connection. All buffers and other information associated with the index are discarded. Normally the user should first IOT a CLS packet containing an ascii explanation for why it is closing. Note that any data previously written on the connection but not yet received by the other end will be lost. The system will attempt to send a CLS with reason "channel closed", but this will only be sent if buffer space is available. See also the .CLOSE uuo. CNSGET: get various console parameters (ITS TTY) arg 1 or val 1 Vertical screen size. val 2 Horizontal screen size. val 3 TCTYP variable. 0 %TNPRT Printing terminal. 1 %TNDP Good Datapoint. 2 %TNODP Bad Datapoint ("loser"). 3 %TNIML Imlac. 4 %TNTEK Tektronix. 5 %TNTV PDP-11 TV. 6 %TNMEM Memowreck. 7 %TNSFW Software terminal (accepts internal ITS display codes, such as live in internal terminal output buffers; see ITS TTY for details). 10 %TNTRM Terminet. 11 %TNESC Display using ASCII standard display codes. 12 %TNDTM Datamedia. 13 %TNRAY Teleray 1061 14 %TNHDS Concept 100 15 %TNH19 H19 16 %TNAAA Ann Arbor Ambassador val 4 TTYCOM variable. 4.9 Communicate mode. 4.8 %TCLFT Local feed through (my job sees his typing). 4.7 %TCRFT Remote feed through (his job sees my typing). 4.6 %TCICO Input comm override (my job sees my typing). 4.5 %TCOCO Output comm override (I see my job's typing). 4.4 %TCRFS Refuse comm messages. 4.3 %TCQRY Query me if comm attempted to me. 4.2 %TCMTR The tty's motor is off, and must be turned on before next output. (Currently only Terminets get turned off.) 4.1 %TCECH The last output to this tty was PI echo. 3.9 %TCINP Someone waited for input since last home-up. 3.8 %TCDET Console's tree detached by top level interrupt. 3.7 %TCDNG Type bell (input buffer full). 3.6 %TCCBK Reading uname or tty number after ^_K. 3.5 %TCCBS Reading uname or tty number after ^_S. 3.4 %TCFPD First part of an output code sequence is done. 3.3 %TCTPN Type ^_N on leaving comm (unless user types it). 3.2 %TCPAD 0 => padding necessary on datapoint. 3.1 %TCHNG Done flag seems to be fried - time out quickly. 2.9-1.1 -1 if not in comm mode; otherwise number of next tty in circular list of those in comm mode together. val 5 TTYOPT variable. 4.8 %TOALT Standardize altmodes. 4.7 %TOCLC Convert lower case input to upper case. 4.6 %TOERS This tty can selectively erase. 4.5 %TOHDX This tty is half-duplex. 4.4 %TOMVB This tty can backspace directly. 4.3 %TOSAI This tty handles SAIL characters. 4.2 %TOSA1 Used to initialize %TSSAI for new jobs. 4.1 %TOOVR This tty can overprint correctly. 3.9 %TOMVU This tty can move its cursor upward. 3.8 %TOMOR Used to initialize %TSMOR for new jobs. 3.7 %TOROL Used to initialize %TSROL for new jobs. 3.6 %TORAW Don't optimize cursor motion. 3.5 %TOLWR This tty has a lower case keyboard. 3.4 %TOFCI This tty's keyboard has the full TV character set. 3.3 %TOIML This tty acts like an IMLAC. 2.9-2.7 $TPPLF How to pad line feeds: 0 Don't. 1 Two pad chars (Memorex, 2741). 2 Terminet. 2.6-2.4 $TPPCR How to pad carriage returns: 0 Don't. 4 Execuport. 1 Normal. 5 2741. 2 Double. 6 Memorex. 3 Unused. 7 Unused. For a Datapoint, number of pad chars before each string of cursor motion commands. For a Terminet, 0=no padding, 1,2,3,4,5 correspond to 10,15,30,60,120 cps. 2.3-2.1 $TPPTB How to pad tabs: 0 Tabs not allowed. Use pad chars. On displays, 0 don't use tabs. 1 use tabs. 2 use VT52-style absolute positioning. 1.6 %TPCBS The ^\ intelligent terminal protocol is enabled. 1.5 %TP11T PDP-11 TV. Reflects %TY11T. 1.4 %TPORS Output reset really does something. 1.3 %TPRSC This tty can do region scrolling 1.2 %TPIBC Oddball 2741-like tty. 1.1 %TPIBM It really is a 2741. val 6 TTYTYP variable. 4.9 %TTLCL Local tty (i.e. right near the PDP-10). 4.8 %TT340 Near the 340 or a 340 slave. 4.7 %TT3HP High priority for grabbing 340. 4.3 %TTPAR Tty needs a parity bit generated by software. 4.2 %TTDDI Don't ding bell on excess input. 4.1 %TTIBM Datel (2741) line. 3.8-3.5 $TTISP Input speed code: 0 = unknown 6 = 1800 baud 13 = 40K baud 1 = 600 baud 7 = 2400 baud 14 = 50K baud 2 = 110 baud 10 = 4800 baud 15 = 80K baud 3 = 150 baud 11 = 9600 baud 16 unused 4 = 300 baud 12 = 25K baud 17 unused 5 = 1200 baud 3.4-3.1 $TTOSP Output speed code, as above. 2.9 %TYDPK Datapoint controller line. 2.8 %TYSTY Alter ego to a STY. 2.7 %TYNVA Nova tty (requiescat in pace). 2.6 %TYMTY Morton controller line. 2.5 %TYDIL Dial-up line. 2.4 %TY11T PDP-11 TV tty. 2.3 %TYDL DL-10 tty. 2.2 %TYOTY KA-10 console tty. 2.1 %TYETY DTE-20 tty. 1.9 %TYNTY TK-10 tty. 1.8 %TYMDM Dial-up line with modem control. 1.7 %TYKST KS-10 console tty. 1.6 %TYDZT DZ-11 tty on a KS-10. 1.5 %TYRLM ROLM data switch tty. val 7 TTYSMT variable. 4.9-4.7 %TQMCH Machine type 0 = nothing special 1 = PDP11 2 = PDS4 3 = PDS1 4.6-4.2 %TQHGT Character height in dots 4.1-3.7 %TQWID Character width in dots 3.6 %TQVIR Terminal implements virtual coordinates 3.5 %TQBNK Terminal implements blinking 3.4 %TQXOR Terminal implements XOR mode 3.3 %TQREC Terminal implements rectangle commands 3.2 %TQSET Terminal implements multiple object sets 3.1 %TQGRF Terminal understands graphics protocol 2.9 %TRGIN Terminal has graphic imput 2.8 %TRGHC Terminal has graphic hardcopy 2.7 %TRLED Terminal has local editing protocol 2.6 %TRSCN Terminal implements raster commands 2.5-2.3 %TRLSV <>0 means terminal supports 4**N saved lines 2.2-1.7 %TRTIM signed offset from GMT minus 20 or zero if terminal's timezone is unknowable. See also the CNSSET, TTYGET, and TTYSET symbolic system calls. CNSSET: set various console parameters (ITS TTY) arg 1 or arg 2 Vertical screen size (negative => no change). arg 3 Horizontal screen size (negative => no change). arg 4 TCTYP variable (negative => no change). 0 %TNPRT Printing terminal. 1 %TNDP Good Datapoint. 2 %TNODP Bad Datapoint ("loser"). 3 %TNIML Imlac. 4 %TNTEK Tektronix. 5 %TNTV PDP-11 TV. 6 %TNMEM Memowreck. 7 %TNSFW Software terminal (accepts internal ITS display codes, such as live in internal terminal output buffers; see ITS TTY for details). 10 %TNTRM Terminet. 11 %TNESC Display using ASCII standard display codes. 12 %TNDTM Datamedia. 13 %TNRAY Teleray 1061 14 %TNHDS Concept 100 15 %TNH19 H19 16 %TNAAA Ann Arbor Ambassador arg 5 TTYCOM variable. 4.6 %TCICO Input comm override (my job sees my typing). 4.5 %TCOCO Output comm override (I see my job's typing). 4.4 %TCRFS Refuse comm messages. 4.3 %TCQRY Query me if comm attempted to me. 4.2 %TCMTR The tty's motor is off, and must be turned on before next output. (Currently only Terminets get turned off.) 3.9 %TCINP Someone waited for input since last home-up. The remaining bits, documented under CNSGET, may not be changed. arg 6 TTYOPT variable. 4.8 %TOALT Standardize altmodes. 4.7 %TOCLC Convert lower case input to upper case. 4.6 %TOERS This tty can selectively erase. 4.5 %TOHDX This tty is half-duplex. 4.4 %TOMVB This tty can backspace directly. 4.3 %TOSAI This tty handles SAIL characters. 4.2 %TOSA1 Used to initialize %TSSAI for new jobs. 4.1 %TOOVR This tty can overprint correctly. 3.9 %TOMVU This tty can move its cursor upward. 3.8 %TOMOR Used to initialize %TSMOR for new jobs. 3.7 %TOROL Used to initialize %TSROL for new jobs. 3.6 %TORAW Don't optimize cursor motion. 3.5 %TOLWR This tty has a lower case keyboard. 3.4 %TOFCI This tty's keyboard has the full TV character set. 3.3 %TOIML This tty acts like an IMLAC. 2.9-2.7 $TPPLF How to pad line feeds: 0 Don't. 1 Two pad chars (Memorex, 2741). 2 Terminet. 2.6-2.4 $TPPCR How to pad carriage returns: 0 Don't. 4 Execuport. 1 Normal. 5 2741. 2 Double. 6 Memorex. 3 Unused. 7 Unused. For a Datapoint, number of pad chars before each string of cursor motion commands. For a Terminet, 0=no padding, 1,2,3,4,5 correspond to 10,15,30,60,120 cps. 2.3-2.1 $TPPTB How to pad tabs: 0 Tabs not allowed. Use pad chars. On displays, 0 don't use tabs. 1 use tabs. 2 use VT52-style absolute positioning. 1.6 %TPCBS The ^\ intelligent terminal protocol is enabled. 1.5 %TP11T PDP-11 TV. Reflects %TY11T. 1.4 %TPORS Output reset really does something. 1.3 %TPRSC This tty can do region scrolling. 1.2 %TPIBC Oddball 2741-like tty. 1.1 %TPIBM It really is a 2741. Omitting an argument also means no change (only works if all arguments after it are also omitted, of course.) Not all bits of the variables are settable; those explicitly not user-settable have been omitted above. If contradictory bits are supplied, the system will reconcile the conflicts. See also the CNSGET, TTYGET, and TTYSET symbolic system calls. CORBLK: modify blocks of core in page map (ITS CORBLK) cbits 2.9 %CBWRT Try to get write access; okay if can't. 2.8 %CBRED Try to get read access; okay if can't. 2.7 %CBNDW Try to get write access; fail if can't. 2.6 %CBPUB Make page public. This operation fails if an attempt to get write access would fail; however, it does not actually get write access unless bit 2.7 is set also. Any job is allowed to get write access to a public page. 2.5 %CBPRV Make page private. This operation fails if an attempt to get write access would fail; however, it does not actually get write access unless bit 2.7 is set also. A job can have write access to a private page only if it is getting the page from itself or a job it is allowed to write in, and that job has write access itself. Pages are usually private. 2.4 %CBNDR Fail if can't get read access (attempting to share with a non-existent page). 2.3 %CBCPY Make a copy (disk files only). 2.2 %CBLOK Lock page in core (don't allow swap out.) 2.1 %CBULK Unlock page from core. 1.9 %CBSLO Force page to reside in slowest memory. This is useful when trying to get reproduceable run time measurements. 1.8 %CBUSL Undo the effect of %CBSLO Bits 2.2-1.8 are not yet implemented. All zero means delete page from page map. arg 1 RH and LH are XOR'd with control bits. arg 2 to put page into (or delete it from). arg 3 Page number within job specified by arg 2. If LH negative, block mode operation: After doing operation, increment arg 5 if any, AOBJN arg 3, write args back into user core, and repeat the operation, until LH of arg 3 becomes positive. arg 4 Any one of the following: to get page from. Disk channel number. When disk file pages are inserted, the access pointer is left pointing after the last word of the last page inserted. If the pages so inserted are inserted with write access for modification, the DSKUPD symbolic system call may be used to set the creation and reference dates for the file. PDP-6 channel number. One of the following special negative codes. Only the right-half matters. -2 %JSTVB means video buffer pages. Pages 0-7 are video buffer. First word of page 10 contains console register and ALU. See the .TVCREG user variable, and the VIDBUF and VIDSW symbolic system calls. -5 %JSNEW get a fresh page. A new page, not shared with any other, will be created. The system tries to zero it out, but currently may fail to if there is already a page at the destination address. If wasn't very difficult to fix, I'd fix it instead of documenting it. -6 %JSABS an absolute page. Arg 5 specifies the desired page of physical memory. You are not permitted write access to such a page. 400000 specifies the system job (job # 0). Sharing a page with the system job is almost like getting an absolute page via %JSABS, since the system job's address space mostly corresponds to physical memory. 400001 specifies the core job. For historical reasons, this is taken to mean get a fresh page instead. This special case will go away some day, so use %JSNEW instead. If arg 4 is omitted, it is the same as arg 2. arg 5 Page number within source specified by arg 4. Arg 5 is ignored for fresh page. If omitted, same as arg 3 if source is a job. If source is a disk file, the current access pointer rounded down to a page boundary is the default. Errors: 10 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE PDP-11 TV not available for mapping. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER Argument 2 or 4 is invalid. 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB Executing job doesn't have modification rights to the job specified by argument 2. 32 CAN'T GET THAT ACCESS TO PAGE Can't satisfy access requested by cbits 2.7-2.4. This usually means that the page does not exist in the source specified in argument 4, or that it exists but write access is not permissible. It may also mean that an absolute page which normally exists is currently down. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Page number outside range 0-377 for another job's page, or outside 0-10 for a video buffer page, or outside 0-17 for a PDP-6 page. The allowed range for absolute pages depends on the machine. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Can't map pages from any device other than those listed above. 35 NO SUCH JOB Argument 2 or 4 specified a non-existent job. 37 NO CORE AVAILABLE Tried to get fresh page, but no more (virtual) core is available. The total number of distinct pages in the system is limited by the size of the MMP table. CORTYP: determine type info from page map (ITS CORBLK) If one argument: arg 1 Page number within current job. If two arguments: arg 1 arg 2 Page number within specified job. val 1 4.9 %CBWRT Page is writable. 4.8 %CBRED Page is readable (exists). 4.6 %CBPUB Page is public (writable by anyone) 4.2 %CBLOK page is locked in core (inhibited from swapout) 3.9 %CBSLO Page is in slow memory (Doesn't work; Moon says it never will) For non-existent page, whole word is zero. Thus, this value is: zero => no page. positive => read-only page, negative => writable page. val 2 0 Absolute page. -1 Unshared page. other User index of next job in circular list of jobs sharing the page. val 3 For val 2 = 0, absolute page number. For val 2 = -1, zero. Otherwise, page number within job specified by val 2. val 4 4.9 Page is in core. 2.9-1.1 Number of times page is shared (zero for absolute or non-existent page, else >=1 ). Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Page number was outside range 0-377. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Channel not open on USR, BOJ, JOB, or STY device. 35 NO SUCH JOB DELETE: delete a file Either arg 1 Byte pointer to ASCIZ filename string, or aobjn pointer to block of such byte pointers. or arg 1 Left-justified device name, in SIXBIT. arg 2 File name 1 in SIXBIT. arg 3 File name 2 in SIXBIT. arg 4 Sname in SIXBIT. The file specified either by the four SIXBIT names or by the ASCIZ string(s) is deleted. See the SOPEN symbolic system call for how the byte or AOBJN pointer argument should be formatted and how the string(s) are parsed. DELEWO: Delete file While Open. arg 1 Channel number. The file open on the channel is marked for deletion. It is actually deleted as soon as all channels referencing it (including the one used by the DELEWO) are closed. In the meantime, it is inaccessible (starred in the directory). Either an input channel or an output channel can be used. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE This call works only on DSK, and such job devices as simulate DSK. DEMSIG: demon signal arg 1 Sixbit name of demon to signal. arg 2 Optional: zero => signal once only. positive => signal repeatedly every 2*n minutes. negative => load demon but do not signal. A demon is a program which runs (and perhaps even exists) only when a request has been signaled for it. If the demon with the specified demon is not currently running, the system job creates a demon job and loads it from the file SYS:ATSIGN , where is the name of the demon. When the demon runs, it can acknowledge receipt of one or more signals by using the .DEMON uuo (q.v.). The status of a demon can be examined and altered by using the RDDMST and STDMST symbolic system calls. When the system is started up, there is a once-only signal for the DEMSTR demon pending; this demon normally signals requests for all other standard systemic demons. Demons were much used on the DM machine for various purposes. Standard demons which are started by the DEMSTR demon include (as of July 23, 1975): NAME REPT RATE PURPOSE TCTYP 0 Set terminal types?? (Doesn't exist on SYS) UNSPOO 0 Line printer unspooler (TPL). SURVEY 10. Network survey generator. LDRDEM 0 Loader demon (obsolete). BATCHM 0 Old batch monitor (obsolete). COMSYS 0 Old message demon (obsolete). NETRJS 0 CCN remote job server demon. ZONE 0 MUDDLE compile batcher. MG 0 Maze Guncher - kills games of MAZE in an obscure way. AV doesn't like them. COMDMN 0 Communications demon (replaces COMSYS). BATCHN 0 Batch monitor (replaces BATCHM). RFC402 0 Message archival demon. DETACH: detach a job tree from a console (ITS DETACH) arg 1 for any job in the tree to be detached. If omitted, the tree referred to is that of the executing job. cbits 1.1 Leave the detached tree as a non-disowned, non-console-controlled tree, instead of as a disowned tree. 1.2 Use system tree's resource word instead of disowned resource word. This is to be used only by legitimate system daemons. 1.3 "P" the job by clearing bit 4.4 of .USTP 1.4 if an hour goes by and the detached tree does not run and is not reowned or attached, it will be killed automatically by the system. 1.5 suppress the console-free message that would otherwise be printed on the tree's console. The entire job tree which the specified job belongs to is made to be disowned. If it was controlled by a console, that console is made free. If the tree is already disowned, nothing happens, but the DETACH call skips anyway. If the top level job of the tree has a jname of HACTRN, the jname is incremented to be HACTRO and then re-incremented as necessary to make its uname- jname pair unique. DDT provides a command :DETACH which detaches the tree the DDT itself is in. LOCK provides a DETACH command for detaching other trees conveniently: DETACH detaches the tree containing the job with user index . DETACH detaches the tree containing the job named . Automatic detachment by the system job: Fatal interrupts in top-level jobs will cause them to be stopped and then detached by the system job, which will type the message TOP LEVEL INTERRUPT, TREE DETACHED on the console detached from, followed by the normal console-free message. A message is also printed on the system console saying which job was detached from which terminal. If the PDP-11 controlling the TV consoles crashes, the system job automatically detaches all job trees controlled by TV consoles. This allows the user to log back in and re-attach his job tree when the PDP-11 is restarted. If the ARPA network crashes (that is, the local network attachment crashes, or the host which is connected to the console of a particular console-controlled tree crashes) the server telnets automatically detach those job trees whose consoles are no longer connected to anything. On some ITS machines if a dial-up line is disconnected the job tree controlled by that line will be automatically detached. Other ITS machines do not have the hardware to to detect disconnection. When a tree is detached because its tty, whether TV, network connection, or dialup line, has disconnected, then if the tree is not logged in it will be killed immediately. Whenever a tree is detached automatically for any of the reasons mentioned above, control bit 1.4 is used, so the tree will go away if it is not touched for an hour. See the ATTACH and DISOWN symbolic system calls. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB Cannot detach the SYS or CORE jobs, or the PDP-6. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE 35 NO SUCH JOB DL10MP: Hack the DL10 (pdp11 interface) THIS SYSTEM CALL CAN CRASH THE SYSTEM IF MISUSED. IT SHOULD NOT BE USED LIGHTLY. arg 1 Page number val 1 AOBJN pointer to DL10 control area val 2 Pointer to 3 words for pdp11 examine/deposit commands val 3 Pointer to first free word in DL10 control area A read/write, unencached, absolute page is created at the specified page number in the user's address space. The page contains the DL10 control area, which can be used to examine, deposit, or bootload the pdp11. A message is printed on the system console when this call is used. Errors: 13 FILE ALREADY EXISTS The page slot specified is already in use. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS The page number is invalid. DIRSIZ: read the total size of files in a directory. arg 1 The number of a channel open on the DSK device, or a . The channel should be open to a file in the directory to be hacked. arg 2 (optional) quota arg 3 (optional) dsk number,,allocation val 1 quota,,total number of disk blocks used by files this directory val 2 dsk number,,allocation (normally 0). DISMIS: dismiss an interrupt (ITS INTRUP) arg 1 Points to the third of three words which are the new .DF1, .DF2, and .UPC variables for use in dismissing the interrupt (but see the cbits for this call). If not an immediate argument, it is assumed to be a pdl pointer which is appropriately popped three times to get these items. It is then popped twice more to flush the two interrupt words pushed by a new-style vectored interrupt. If the job has enabled the pdl overflow interrupt (bit 2.8 of the .MASK user variable) then it will receive such an interrupt if the popping by DISMIS causes pdl underflow. arg 2 If present, overrides the new pc on the stack specified by arg 1. arg 3 If present, overrides the new .DF1 on the stack specified by arg 1. arg 4 If present, overrides the new .DF2 on the stack specified by arg 1. Thus if four arguments are supplied, the first is effectively ignored, except for popping. arg 5 If present, is the ,, for a LOSE that is done, uninterruptably, after the interrupt has been dismissed. cbits The control-bits for this argument specify extra words to be popped off the pdl pointer which is the first arg, BEFORE the PC and defer words are popped. The cbits are ignored if the first arg is immediate. The intention is that the cbits will tell DISMIS how to pop exactly what was pushed when the interrupt happened. The format of the cbits is the same as that of the LH of the first word of the interrupt table (for new-style vectored interrupts) (see ITS INTRUP), which is what specifies what is to be pushed when an interrupt happens. It is: 2.9=1 => throw away three words first thing. Throws away the debugging info that interrupts can push. 1.1-1.5 nonzero => it is number of ACs to be popped, and 1.7-2.1 is the number of the lowest AC to be popped. The ACs to be popped are BLT'ed out of the stack. If four arguments are supplied and the first is immediate, then the first is totally ignored (except that the address calculation is performed). Thus this call is good for dismissing old-style interrupts as well as new-style (stack oriented) interrupts. Note that if the job is using the feature that interrupts automatically push some accumulators or some debugging info, it must explicitly request (with the control bits) that the same words be popped. DISMIS does NOT vary its function according to the job's interrupt table, for a given set of args. If the interrupt handler wishes to pretend that a class 2 interrupt had not been enabled, it can dismiss the interrupt and supply a fifth argument which is like the first argument to a symbolic LOSE system call. Making the rh of that argument 1+.LZ will cause DDT to print the error message appropriate to an unhandled interrupt on that bit. The lh. of that argument should be the address of the instruction that caused the interrupt. See also the .DISMISS uuo. DISOWN: disown an inferior job cbits 1.4 Set BUMRTL, saying that if for one hour the job does not run and is not attached or reowned it should be gunned down by the system. 1.3 Perform .USET ,[.SUSTP,,[0]]. In this way the job is not started until after being disowned. 1.2 Use the system resource word instead of the disowned job resource word for scheduling. 1.1 Make this job not disowned, but rather the top-level job of a non-disowned, non-console controlled job tree. This prevents the job from receiving 1/4'th priority as ordinary disowned jobs do. arg 1 A directly inferior . Please do not misuse the 1.1 and 1.2 control bits. These are intended for generally useful "system daemons" only. The specified job is caused to be no longer an inferior of the executing job, and is made to be the top level job of a disowned job tree. Because of this, the disowned job will continue to exist even if its erstwhile superior does not (if, for example, the user logs out). Disowning is illegal if the executing job has given control of its console to the job to be disowned (see .ATTY). All channels on which the executing job has open the job being disowned will be closed in the process of disowning (see the .CLOSE uuo). If the disowned job has opened the console, then the channels are not closed, but are marked as "disowned tty"; certain operations on such a channel will succeed, and others will hang until the job is re-owned and a console tty given to the job. Such channels appear to be open on tty number %TINON=77 octal. A disowned job is distinguished by the fact that bit 4.9 of its .APRC user variable is set. A disowned job never succeeds in executing the RELOAD symbolic system call, even if it is the top level job in its tree. When a job tree is logged out, any micro-tapes assigned to the uname of that job tree are de-assigned (see the .ASSIGN and .DESIGN uuo's), but only if the job tree is not disowned. All disowned jobs share a resource word for purposes of scheduling, in the same way that all jobs in a single non-disowned tree share a resource word. Thus all disowned jobs tend collectively to use no more runtime than any single non-disowned job tree. Furthermore, individual disowned jobs are given only 1/4 the priority to run as a non-disowned job. This does not apply, however, if the disowned job in question has .MASTER mode, or controls the 340 display, the E&S display, the vidisector, the arm, the LPT (line printer), or the PLT (plotter). When operating under heavy loads, the swapper prefers to swap out disowned jobs rather than non-disowned jobs. The DETACH symbolic system call makes a non-disowned tree disowned. See also the %OPDET bit of the .OPTION user variable. Errors: 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The specified job must be a direct inferior. DSKUPD: disk update arg 1 Disk channel number or The creation and reference dates for the disk file open on the channel are set to the current date and time. The dump check bit is cleared (! will show in the directory). This is useful for programs which modify a file by mapping pages of the file into their page maps with write access, and which want to indicate this fact by setting the creation and reference dates. See the CORBLK symbolic system call for mapping pages of disk files. See also the FILBLK, RESRDT, RFDATE, and RQDATE symbolic system calls. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The supplied channel number must be a disk or JOB device channel. ECHOIN: echo characters and store them in a buffer, until a break character arg 1 TTY channel number arg 2 Byte pointer to buffer arg 3 Number of characters left in buffer arg 4 Address of break table arg 5 Address of TECO buffer block (or zero) The second and third arguments are counted out as characters are stored. When the call returns due to a break character, the count will still be greater than zero. ECHOIN tells the system to echo characters and insert them in the buffer specified by the second and third arguments without requiring the user program to be executed. This is more efficient and gets visibly faster response time. Echoing stops when either the count is exhausted or a break character is input. When this happens, the ECHOIN returns. If it returns because of a break character, then the break character is available for normal input. Non-break characters following the break character are not handled. Break characters are specified by the break table, a four-word block pointed to by the fourth argument. Each of the four words says, for 32 characters, whether they break or not. In the first word, the sign bit is for SAIL code 0, and bit 1.5 is for SAIL code 37. The sign bit of the second word is for Space, and bit 1.5 is for ?. And so on. Characters with Control or Meta set (including ASCII control characters on non-Meta keyboards) are always break characters. To prevent timing errors, ECHOIN will return immediately if there are characters in the input buffer already. For use by TECO, ECHOIN can update the block of counters which TECO uses to remember the extent of the buffer. The fifth argument should point to this block, the "Buffer block", which is seven words long. When a character is inserted, the first two words of the buffer block are not changed, the next four are incremented, and th next one is decremented. Passing the buffer block to ECHOIN allows ECHOIN to insert characters directly into TECO's buffer as an indivisible operation. Note that the insertion of the characters themselves is still controlled by the byte pointer and count arguments. However, in the future this may change; when ECHOIN is made able to handle operations besides insertion, it will use the buffer block for updating the buffer (which may involve deletion) but will still insert all characters it processes down the byte pointer. This way, TECO will have both an updated buffer and a list of the commands which the user typed. FILBLK: get contents of file parameter block arg 1 Disk channel number or val 1 First file name. val 2 Second file name. val 3 Random information: 4.9 Dump check bit. 4.7-3.7 Word count of last block. 3.6 Has been deleted from an unmounted pack. 3.5 Delete the file when closed. 3.4 GC mark bit. 3.3 Open for writing. 3.2 The grim file reaper should not reap this file. 3.1 This is a link, not a file. 2.9-2.5 Pack number. 2.4-1.1 Pointer to internal UFD descriptor. val 4 File creation date and time in disk format: 4.7-4.1 Year (mod 100.). 3.9-3.6 Month (January = 1). 3.5-3.1 Day of month. 2.9-1.1 Time of creation, in half-seconds after midnight. val 5 File reference date in disk format: 4.7-4.1 Year (mod 100.). 3.9-3.6 Month (January = 1). 3.5-3.1 Day of month. 2.1-2.9 Author, as M.F.D. index. 1.1-1.9 File byte size and bit count in compressed form. See also the DSKUPD, RESRDT, RFDATE, RQDATE, SFDATE, and SRDATE symbolic system calls. FILLEN: get file length arg 1 Disk channel number or val 1 File length in bytes of the size the channel is open in. val 2 The size of those bytes. val 3 File length in bytes of the size used to write it (actually, the size in use the last time it was opened for writing). val 4 The size of those bytes. The length of the file open on the specified channel is returned. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Currently FILLEN works only for disk files and job devices. FINISH: wait for output to reach the device arg 1: channel # Does a FORCE (see below) then waits until all buffered output has reached the device. The following devices currently support FINISH. TTY: STY: DSK: NET: CHA: TCP: TCP: Does a FORCE (ensures that data is PUSH'd out) and waits until all data thus far has been ACK'd, i.e. acknowledged by the foreign host. Chaosnet: (channels opened with CHAOSO) On an output channel, does FORCE and then waits until there are no queued output buffers. I.e., waits for all output to be received and acknowledged by the foreign host. This in fact waits for acknowledge, not just receipt. Errors: * Any errors which the FORCE call might encounter. FLAP: flap a micro-tape arg 1 Micro-tape number (typically 1-4). The directory for the micro-tape is written back onto the tape if it is currently in core; the tape is then physically dismounted by running the tape back onto the original reel (thereby making the tape go flap, flap, flap ...). Micro-tapes should not be manually dismounted, for this will cause the directories to get out of phase, messing up the dismounted tape and also the next one to use the drive. The FLAP will fail if any files are still open on the specified drive, or if any one else has the drive assigned to him. See also the .UDISMT uuo. FLUSH: wait for output to reach the device arg 1: channel # This call has been renamed to FINISH (in ITS 1052). The old name will be kept around for a while, but new programs should not use it. FORCE: empty out device's output buffers arg 1 - channel # If any output is buffered for the device, it is now sent to the device. Note that this is not needed for the TTY device since output is always sent as soon as possible. It is not necessary to do a FORCE before doing CLOSE. The following devices currently support FORCE: NET: Causes output to be sent as soon as possible; otherwise it would only be sent when the buffer was full or when 2 seconds have elapsed since output was first put in the buffer. TCP: Same as NET, except that the PUSH flag is set in outgoing segments. If there is no buffered data, nothing is sent. (Note that ITS TCP always sets PUSH in all outgoing segments whether FORCEd or not. Otherwise, a FORCE with an empty buffer would require ITS to re-send old data with PUSH set in order to nudge the remote site into action.) DSK: Causes the current output buffer and the directory to be written to disk. Chaosnet: (channels opened with CHAOSO) If there is a partially-filled output packet (created by IOT or SIOT), it is transmitted. The following devices ignore FORCE (it always skip returns) because they don't need it: TTY: STY: LPT: PLT: PTP: COD: Errors: 2 WRONG DIRECTION TCP: Channel is not an output channel. 7 DEVICE NOT READY TCP: Connection not open for writing. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The device is not an output device, or does not have the kind of buffered up output which needs this call. IOPOP: pop input/output channel arg 1 Channel number The top entry on the job's IO pdl is popped into the specified channel. Entries on the IO pdl are made only by pushing channels with IOPUSH. If a channel is pushed with IOPUSH and then popped into with IOPOP, it is in exactly the same state as it would have been if left untouched; however, the channel is available for other use in the meantime. IOPUSH: push input/output channel arg 1 Channel number The contents of the specified channel are pushed onto the job's IO pdl, and the channel is put into a "closed" state. If the channel had been open, the open file is not closed, but is instead now open on the IO pdl slot instead of on the channel. It is not accessible to the job for IOT'ing, etc., while there, but it can be popped back into a channel with IOPOP and then will be available for IO. IOT: input/output transfer cbits Per-IOT mode bits. Device dependent. arg 1 Channel number. LH XOR'd with control bits. arg 2 Location for input/output transfer. May not be immediate. For unit mode, this is the word to output from or read into. For block mode this is an AOBJN pointer to a buffer. arg 3 (Optional) device-independent special mode bits. These are not currently used. For ease of use, in unit input mode arg 2 and arg 3 may be omitted and val 1 will then be the word read. For TTY and Tnn devices (terminals in general), the following control bits are effective for IOT. They are XOR'd into the left half of the I/O channel word both before and after the IOT (see the .IOC user variable). Thus one can modify the tty's characteristics temporarily for just one IOT. (ITS TTY) Control bits on input: 2.6 %TIECH Read even if char needs pi echoing 2.5 %TIPEK Don't remove char from buffer (peek) 2.3 %TIACT Don't wait for activation char 2.2 %TIINT Read even if char is an interrupt char and hasn't interrupted yet. 2.1 %TINWT If no input available, don't wait, but return -1. 1.9 %TIFUL Use full character set (for Imlacs and TV's). Control bits on output: 2.6 %TJECH Echo mode output. 2.5 %TJCTN Don't do line continuation. 2.3 %TJDIS Recognize ^P cursor codes. 2.2 %TJSIO Super-image output. No padding or cursor control is performed. 2.1 %TJMOR Do not do **MORE** processing. 1.9 %TJPP2 Output in the echo area if it exists. 1.7 %TJHDE Account for cursor motion due to characters echoed on a half-duplex tty. For the Chaosnet (channel opened with CHAOSO): 1.4 ?? Don't hang. This can be used to do unit-mode 8-bit-byte transfers. Control bit 1.4 means don't-hang, and applies to both input and output. Only data packets with opcode 200 will be transferred. Anything else on input causes the transfer to stop, like an end-of-file. Use PKTIOT to find out what the story is. (The correct way is to verify that there are some packets in the input buffer, then do a (S)IOT, and if it transfers 0 bytes then the first packet in the input buffer must not be a data packet, so PKTIOT it in.) There can be input available to (S)IOT even when the state is not %CSOPN (e.g. if the input buffer contains data and a CLS packet.) In this case, you should first (S)IOT (if you care to pick up the data) then PKTIOT. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS The second argument was immediate. IPKIOT: Internet packet (datagram) I/O This call is similar to PKTIOT and works for channels opened on the IPQ device. It should NOT BE USED without a good understanding of Internet Protocol datagram formats. This call is still subject to change and thus is not documented further. Ask KLH if you think you need to use it. ITYIC: read tty interrupt character arg 1 val 1 a character This call fails to skip if there is no input interrupt character to be read from the tty. Otherwise, it returns the next un-ITYIC'ed input interrupt character. ITYIC'ing a character does not remove it from the input buffer - it is still there to be IOT'ed in its turn, along with the non-interrupt characters. ITYIC makes it possible for a program to scan input interrupt characters as they interrupt, without interfering with the IOT'ing that will take place later. JOBCAL: get info on how job device was called arg 1 BOJ channel number or arg 2 Optional: AOBJN pointer for job call data. arg 3 Optional: sixbit device name for PEEK and who-lines. val 1 "opcode" for requested operation. See ITS JOB for information on job devices. This call is to be executed by a JOB device when it receives an interrupt on its BOJ channel. It returns data describing the operation desired by the calling job. Note that the second argument is an AOBJN pointer to an area in which the call will place data, not get it! The third argument, if present, is a device name to be used by PEEK and who-lines for printing things like ARCBO. (This name is initialized to the device name returned as word 4 by OPEN - see below. The unknown-device handler, if involved in the process (see the OPEN symbolic system call), resets this to the second file name of the JOBDEV file it actually succeeded in loading (this name may have had digits stripped off).) The "opcode" describes the operation to be performed: 4.9-4.7 Open mode, if 2.9-1.1 contains 0. 4.6 Close 4.5 Close (both bits always the same) 4.1 SIOT rather than IOT 3.8 pclsred call restarting 2.9-1.1 0 .OPEN 1 .IOT 2 MLINK (make a link) 3 .RESET 4 .RCHST 5 .ACCESS 6 .FDELE (delete or rename) 7 .FDELE (rename while open) 8 .CALL The second argument should point to a block of 12 words (0-11) in which the following data are deposited: OPEN wd 1 First file name. wd 2 Second file name. wd 3 Directory name. wd 4 Device name. wd 5 Full 18.-bit open mode in right half. wd 7 BP or AOBJN ptr specifying filename, if the SOPEN call was used to do the open. Zero otherwise. IOT wd 0 For block IOTs, the loser's IOT pointer. The left half contains the negative of the desired number of words. For SIOTs, the byte count. 1 for unit IOTs. ACCESS wd 0 The address within the file to access. The beginning of the file is 0. MLINK wd 0 Linked-to FN1. wd 1 FN1 of the link. wd 2 FN2 of the link. wd 3 Directory name of the link. wd 4 Device name of the link. wd 5 Linked-to FN2. wd 6 Linked-to directory. wd 7 BP or AOBJN ptr specifying name of link, or 0 if the name was specified as SIXBIT. wd 10 BP or AOBJN ptr specifying name to link to, or 0 if the name was specified as SIXBIT. (note links from one device to another don't exist). FDELE (rename or delete) wd 0 Zero implies delete. Otherwise, the new first file name. wd 1 Old first file name. wd 2 Old second file name. wd 3 Name of directory. wd 4 Name of device. wd 5 Zero implies delete. Otherwise, the new second file name. wd 7 BP or AOBJN ptr specifying file to act on, or 0 if the name was specified as SIXBIT. wd 10 BP or AOBJN ptr specifying name to rename to, or 0 if the name was specified as SIXBIT. FDELE (rename while open) wd 0 Zero implies delete. Otherwise, the new first file name. wd 5 Zero implies delete. Otherwise, the new second file name. wd 10 BP or AOBJN ptr specifying name to rename to, or 0 if the name was specified as SIXBIT. CALL wd 0 Name of operation in sixbit. wd 1 Control bits for the call. wd 2 Number of following words. wds 3-n Input arguments to call. The first will almost always be a channel number. Values may be returned via the JOBRET symbolic system call. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The first argument must be a BOJ channel number or a JOB device channel number. JOBGET: get job device information This symbolic system call is ARCHAIC and OBSOLETE. It is documented here for historical purposes only. Its use in new programs is to be avoided. Its function has been superseded by the JOBCAL symbolic system call. arg 1 BOJ channel number or The individual returned values are identical to the words returned by JOBCAL in the area specified by JOBCAL's second argument. JOBINT: cause caller of JOB device to get an interrupt arg 1 BOJ channel number or See ITS JOB for information on job devices. This is used by JOB devices to cause the calling job to receive a word 2 interrupt for the channel it has the JOB device open on. See also the SETIOC symbolic system call. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The first argument must be a BOJ channel number or a JOB device channel number. 41 OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN JOBIOC: set input/output channel error arg 1 BOJ channel number or arg 2 IOC error code. This is used by JOB devices to cause the calling job to receive a word 1 IOC interrupt. This interrupt will be given when the calling job next attempts an IOT operation. The .BCHN variable for that job will be set to the channel it has the JOB device open on, and bits 4.1-4.5 of the corresponding .IOS word are set to the specified IOC error code. See also the JOBINT symbolic system call. Valid IOC error codes are as follows: 1 ILLEGAL HARDWARE OPERATION ATTEMPTED 2 ATTEMPTED RANDOM ACCESS TO ADDRESS BEYOND END OF FILE 3 NON-RECOVERABLE DATA ERROR 4 NON-EXISTENT SUB-DEVICE 5 OVER IOPOP 6 OVER IOPUSH 7 USR OP CHNL DOES NOT HAVE USR OPEN 10 CHNL NOT OPEN 11 DEVICE FULL (can also mean a directory is full) 12 CHNL IN ILLEGAL MODE ON IOT 13 ILLEGAL CHR AFTER CNTRL P ON TTY DISPLAY 14 DIRECTORY FULL 15 DIRECTORY'S ALLOCATION EXHAUSTED Errors: 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Second argument is not a valid IOC error code. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE First argument is not a BOJ channel number. 41 OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN JOBRET: return values to loser and let him continue arg 1 BOJ channel number or arg 2 LH contains error code, or 0 if none. RH contains amount for loser to skip. arg 3 Optional AOBJN pointer to a block of values to be returned to the loser. See ITS JOB for information on job devices. This call is used by JOB devices to cause the calling job to continue after an input/output request. The second argument specifies an error code in its LH; if non-zero it is placed in bits 3.6-3.1 of the .IOS word for the JOB device (see the STATUS symbolic system call). The RH contains the amount by which the loser should skip upon continuing if he used a .CALL; this amount is usually 0 or 1. The third argument is an AOBJN pointer to a block of values which are passed back to the .CALL or to the .RCHST. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE First argument must be a BOJ channel number or a JOB device channel number. 36 VALID CLEAR OR STORED SET JOBREU: Lets a JOB device handler offer itself for re-use arg 1 Device name that the handler can handle arg 2 FN1 of file the handler was loaded from arg 3 FN2 of file the handler was loaded from arg 4 SNAME of file the handler was loaded from (Note: the only device it could have been loaded from is DSK). arg 5 Amount of time to wait (for someone to try to re-use us) before giving up and taking the failure return, in 30'ths of a second. Alternatively, minus the time to wait until (in 30'ths since the system was started up). If the argument is positive (a duration) it is converted to a negative one (time to stop) and written back. Some job device handlers take a considerable amount of work to initialize themselves - for example, the ML device must set up network connections to another machine. Improved performance results if the same handler job can be used for several OPENs, instead of having to load a new job and open a new set of network connections for each one. The JOBREU call makes this possible. The time to use it is when the handler has completed all of the business for one operation - it has received a "CLOSE" from its creator, has tidied up its data bases, and would otherwise have nothing to do except log out. Instead, it can do a JOBREU. During the time period specified in the JOBREU, if any job tries to do an OPEN on a job device which this handler could be used for, this handler job will in fact be used. In this case, the JOBREU will skip return. The handler should then act as if it had just been loaded, and do the "initial JOBGET". If nobody tries to reuse the handler in the specified time period, the JOBREU will return without skipping, and the handler should log out. Note that one should not do a JOBREU immediately upon receiving a close when the JOBRET of the initial OPEN has failed, because the creator has pclsred and is likely to be coming back. In order to make it use the same job device when it comes back, JOBREU should not be done; instead, a PCLSRed JOB device open automatically finds the right job and sends another request to it. You should time out and if this second request does not come in, then give up and do a CLOSE and a JOBREU. There are two kinds of OPENs that can invoke the JOB device: 1) An open of JOB: explicitly. It can reuse a job device handler if match the FN1, FN2, and SNAME specified in the JOBREU. 2) An open of a device name (such as ARC) that is not built into the system. Such an open can reuse a job device handler if the device name matches the one specified in the JOBREU. Errors: 10 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE This job isn't a JOB-device handler. 13 FILE ALREADY EXISTS This job device handler is already (still) in use by a creator. 41 OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN Nobody tried to reuse this job, and the time period ran out. JOBSTS: set JOB device status arg 1 BOJ channel number or arg 2 New JOB device status - stored in the RH of the job channel's .IOS word, where .STATUS on the job channel will find it. This may be arbitrary, of course, but the standard bits are as follows: 2.9-2.3 Device dependent. 2.2 Buffering capacity empty. 2.1 Buffering capacity full. 1.9-1.7 Mode in which device was opened. 1.9 0 = ascii, 1 = image. 1.8 0 = unit, 1 = block. 1.7 0 = input, 1 = output. 1.6-1.1 ITS internal physical device code. For a job device this should be 22, unless you really know what you are doing. If omitted, 000022 is used. arg 3 Sets the "device name" of this channel. The device name is used by the RFNAME and RCHST system calls, and by PEEK and who-lines, to say what device a job is transferring to or waiting for in the job's status. The argument is optional. arg 4 Sets the "file name 1". Optional. arg 5 Sets the "file name 2". Optional. arg 6 Sets the "system name". Optional. arg 7 Sets the "open mode" that will be returned by the RFNAME system call. Optional. arg 8 Optional byte pointer to ASCIZ string in device handler's address space containing full filenames. The byte pointer my not be indexed or indirect. Note that ITS might decide to read a string from this byte pointer at any time, so the string must continue to exist even after the JOBSTS call has returned. When the channel is first opened the device, file name 1, file name 2, system name, and open mode are set to the ones by which the channel was opened. JOB device programs may change these if they wish, but are not required to. See the STATUS symbolic system call, the .STATUS uuo, and the RFNAME system call. See ITS JOB for information on job devices. KLPERF: Use KL10 performance analysis counter arg 1 whose performance is to be measured -3 (%JSNUL) => the null job -4 (%JSALL) => all jobs 0,,-3 and 0,,-4 are also acceptable. arg 2 Performance Analysis Enables word 0 => turn off the performance counter and make it available for other users. See DEC drawing M8538-0-MTR4 for the bits in this argument. val 1 Previous setting; -3, -4, or a job number val 2 Previous Performance Analysis Enables word val 3 High-order word of the time base val 4 Low-order word of the time base val 5 High-order word of the performance counter val 6 Low-order word of the performance counter If no arguments are supplied, the state of the counter is not changed and the six values are returned. If arguments are supplied, the performance analysis counter is siezed so no other users can interfere and performance measurement begins. When the specified job is running and the conditions specified in the Enables word are met, the performance counter counts. A bit in the Enables word controls whether it counts the duration, in microseconds, that the conditions were satisfied, or the number of times that the conditions became satisfied. While the specified job is running, the time base counts microseconds. If -4 (all jobs) was specified, this is the elapsed real time. Issuing the KLPERF call again allows the results to be determined by subtracting the values obtained the first time from the values obtained the second time. The two counters are double-precision numbers. The high-order 35 bits are in bits 1.1-4.8 of the high-order word, and the low-order 23 bits are in bits 2.4-4.8 of the low-order word. Errors: 10 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE Someone else is using the performance analysis counter. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER Argument 1 is invalid. 35 NO SUCH JOB Argument 1 specified a non-existent job. LISTEN: listen for any typed-ahead input (ITS TTY) arg 1 (but not a STY channel) or val 1 Number of typed-ahead characters pending. Waits for output buffer to empty before listening. To check for input without waiting for output use .STATUS. The uuo .LISTEN is the same as LISTEN, but applies only to the job's console, and furthermore returns zero if the job doesn't possess the tty. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER LNKEDP: find out whether open file was reached via a link arg 1 Channel number of open disk file val 1 Nonzero if file was reached via a link. The file open was reached through a link if the names actually specified in the OPEN were the names of a link which pointed at this file. It is not a question of what file is open, but of what names were specified to open the file. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER Arg 1 is not between 0 and 17. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Arg 1 does not specify a disk channel. LOAD: load file (a program) into a job arg 1 arg 2 Disk channel number (freshly opened for reading). arg 3 Optional argument which causes part of the file to be ignored: either ,,, to load only between addresses and (inclusive), or zero meaning load only pure pages. The default is 0,,-1 normally, 20,,-1 when loading oneself, and 20,,37777 when loading the PDP6. When loading a PDUMP format file, and are rounded outward to page boundaries. The file open on the input channel is loaded into the specified job. The file may be in one of two formats: PDUMP format, or SBLK format. The former is produced by the PDUMP symbolic system call, under which its format is documented. The latter is described below. The two formats are distinguished by the fact that a PDUMP format file begins with a zero word, but an SBLK format file begins with a non-zero word. SBLK format: First off, any words in the file are ignored until a word 254000,,1 (JRST 1) is found. This should be followed by zero or more blocks of the following form: wd 0 -,, wds 1-n data words wd n+1 checksum That is, the first word is an AOBJN pointer describing where to load consecutive words of data into the job; this is effectively used as a block .IOT pointer to load the words. Following the data is a checksum, which is ignored. (Historically, when microtapes were used, the checksum was necessary for error checking.) Following the last block must be a non-negative word to denote the fact that there are no more blocks. This word and all succeeding words in the file are ignored. (DDT assumes that this word contains the starting address of the program, and that following words contain the symbol table for the program.) The disk channel is left open, with the access pointer pointing to the positive word which followed the last block. The standard form of symbol table is: -<2*n>,,0 squoze code,symbol -- these 2 words are value of symbol -- repeated n times The word after the symbol table is another copy of the starting address. Errors: 7 DEVICE NOT READY A disk read error occurred. 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The calling job may not write into the job being loaded. 32 CAN'T GET THAT ACCESS TO PAGE You tried to create an absolute page pointing to memory that the system doesn't have. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Arg 2 does not specify a disk read channel, or you tried to load a PDUMP file into the PDP-6. 37 NO CORE AVAILABLE The MMP was full so a needed page could not be created. 46 UNRECOGNIZABLE FILE The file open on the specified channel is not in valid SBLK format, nor in valid PDUMP format. LOGIN: log in a job tree arg 1 Sixbit name to log in under. " " (0) and "___xxx" (-1 in left half) are illegal. arg 2 Sixbit name of "terminal." This is not required for hard-wired terminals. When this field specifies a network host, the standard form is HSTnnn, where nnn is the octal host number, however often the English name of the host, abbreviated to six letters, is used. arg 3 Sixbit XUNAME. This is normally the same as arg 1 except that if arg 1 is changed to make it unique, this should not be changed. The XUNAME is what is used for accounting purposes. The uname for the job tree is changed from "___nnn" (where "nnn" is the top-level job's user index in sixbit octal characters), which is the initial uname of a non-logged-in job tree, to the specified sixbit name. If the job tree already has a uname other than "___nnn", the LOGIN fails. Only top-level jobs with no direct inferiors may LOGIN. Errors: 11 ILLEGAL FILE NAME Cannot log in as "___xxx" or " ". 12 MODE NOT AVAILABLE Jobs with direct inferiors may not log in. 13 FILE ALREADY EXISTS Someone is already logged in under the specified name. 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB Already logged in. 40 NOT TOP LEVEL Only top-level jobs may log in. LOGOUT: log out a job tree No arguments or values (note, however, that at least one must be present in order to contain the 4.9 bit terminating the argument list). If the executing job is the top level job in its job tree, then the entire job tree is expunged from the system. Does not skip if not a top level job. This is not considered an error, however; no error code is returned. See also the .LOGOUT uuo. LOSE: report lossage arg 1 left half - address of losing instruction right half - lossage code (defined by DDT.) arg 2 new PC. If omitted, the address of the .CALL minus one is used. control bits: 1.1 default arg 2 to the address of the .CALL plus one. 1.2 do SETZM @.40ADDR, i.e. clear the location in the job where a UUO returned from the system would be stored. 1.3 Really take the left half of arg 1 as the address of the losing instruction. If this control bit is not specified, the new PC is used instead. The job's Program Counter is set to the new PC, the job's .VAL user variable is set to the address of the losing instruction,,the lossage code, and the job is given a %PILOS interrupt. If the job does not enable this interrupt, and its superior is DDT, a helpful error message will be printed. The LOSE symbolic system call is a more general version of the .LOSE UUO. .LOSE is simpler, and usually good enough. Symbolic LOSE is for situations where sophisticated error reporting is needed. Symbolic LOSE allows the new PC value to be specified explicitly, and therefore is suitable for use inside an error-handling subroutine. In addition, the address of the "culpable" instruction can be specified independantly from the address to restart at. Thus, the program can provide more complicated error recovery than simply restarting at the losing instruction. The lossage codes are defined by DDT's interpretation of them. The defined values are: %LSSYS==1000 The last error code returned by a failing system call describes the problem. %LSFIL==1400 The last error code returned by a failing system call, together with the name of the file it was operating on, describe the problem. The "culpable instruction" address should point at the failing system call. DDT will decode it to determine the filenames (if it is an OPEN) or the channel number and then the filenames via an RFNAME. %LSSYS+errcode Means that the system call error code describes the problem. %LSFIL+errcode Means that the error code together with the filenames being used describe the problem. 0 Signifies some other nondescript error condition. 1+.LZ Means that the error should be handled as if it were a fatal interrupt on the specified interrupt bit. For example, 1+.LZ %PIMPV will make DDT tell the user that the job received a fatal MPV interrupt. Why might a program wish to do this? It might have enabled its own handling of MPV, and then received an MPV interrupt at a time when one was not expected and was not recoverable. At such a time the ideal thing to do is to report the MPV back to DDT, so that DDT will handle it - to "pretend" that MPV wasn't enabled at all. To make the pretense complete, the program's own MPV interrupt handler should dismiss the interrupt, and leave the PC pointing at the guilty instruction, since that would be the state of things if the program had not handled the interrupt. That can be done with a special feature of the DISMIS symbolic system call, which can do a .LOSE after dismissing the interrupt and restoring the PC. This call never gets an error, and never returns. MLINK: make link Either arg 1 Byte pointer to ASCIZ string specifying name for link, or AOBJN pointer to block of byte pointers, arg 2 Byte pointer to ASCIZ string specifying name to link to, or AOBJN pointer to block of byte pointers, Or arg 1 Left-justified "from" device. arg 2 "from" file name 1. arg 3 "from" file name 2. arg 4 "from" sname. arg 5 "to" file name 1. arg 6 "to" file name 2. arg 7 "to" sname. A link is created on the specified device. The only standard device which accepts links is DSK; of course, various job devices (such as the AI, ML, DM, and MC devices) also implement it. Links cause an indirection when opened for reading; writing or deleting a link affects the link itself. The "from" file names are subject to file name translation. See the TRANAD and TRANDL symbolic system calls. See the SOPEN symbolic system call for a description of how the byte or AOBJN pointer arguments should be formatted and how the strings are parsed into filenames. NETAC: accept network connection OBSOLETE (ITS NCP) This system call is obsolete, and has been flushed. It is documented here for historical purposes only. arg 1 - channel # of an Arpanet NCP channel If the channel is in the RFC-received state, the connection is accepted. Use CLOSE to refuse a request for connection. See also the .NETAC UUO. This call only works for NCP and is obsolete. It isn't needed for TCP since incoming requests that satisfy a LISTEN will automatically be hooked up and the connection opened. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The specified channel is not an Arpanet NCP channel 41 OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN The socket is not in the %NSRFC (request for connection received) state. NETBLK: network block (ITS NCP) arg 1 Channel number - should be a network channel. NCP, TCP, and CHAOS are allowed. arg 2 Connection state code. NCP: Socket state as returned in the right half of word 4 by the .RCHST uuo: 0 %NSCLS CLS received. 1 %NSLSN Listening for RFC. 2 %NSRFC RFC received while listening. 3 %NSRCL CLS received while in RFC received state. 4 %NSRFS RFC sent. 5 %NSOPN Connection open. 6 %NSRFN RFNM wait on write link. 7 %NSCLW CLS sent. Waiting for matching CLS. 10 %NSCLI CLS received, but input still available. 11 %NSINP Input available. CHAOS: TCP: basically the same as NCP. See WHYINT for state list. arg 3 Optional: address of a word containing an argument as for the .SLEEP uuo. This word must be writable, as it will be replaced by an appropriate negative number as for .SLEEP. If not supplied, positive infinity (377777,,777777) is assumed by default for the time to sleep. val 1 New connection state. val 2 Time left, in thirtieths of a second. (Meaningful only if arg 3 supplied.) The executing job hangs until one of two conditions becomes true: either the network conection associated with the specified channel enters a state different from the specified state, or the amount of time specified by arg 3 has passed. Example: suppose that a NCP socket is in state 1 (listening for RFC). This call will return when the socket is no longer in that state, or after 5 seconds, whichever comes first: MOVEI AC,5*30. ;five seconds .CALL [ SETZ SIXBIT \NETBLK\ ;network block 1000,,CHNUM ;channel number 1000,,%NSLSN ;old state ,,AC ;time to sleep 2000,,NSTATE ;new state 402000,,TLEFT ] ;time left Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The specified channel is not a network (NCP, TCP, CHAOS) channel. NETHST: net host status (ITS NCP) arg 1 Host number (-1 for self). arg 2 Reason for going down (optional, valid only if arg 1 is -1). 5 Going down for scheduled P.M. 6 Going down for scheduled hardware work. 7 Going down for scheduled software work. 10 Going down for emergency restart. 11 Going down because of power outage. 12 Stopping at software breakpoint. 13 Going down because of hardware failure. 14 Going down because not scheduled to be up. val 2 Host number (useful if arg 1 is -1). Note THESE ARE OUT OF ORDER (because "val 1" is so long). val 1 Host status 4.9 1 => RFNM wait on link 0. 4.8-4.3 Unused. 4.2-4.1 Host status: 0 Down. 1 RST sent. 2 Up. 3.9-3.1 Time (as returned by .RDTIME) modulo 1000 the last RFNM sent on link 0. 2.9-1.1 Last message from IMP about "host dead status" for this host. (See BBN Report #1822, Chapter 3.) 2.7-1.5 Time host will come back up, Greenwich Mean Time: 2.7-2.5 Day of week (0=Monday, ..., 6=Sunday). 2.4-1.9 Hour of day (0-23.). 1.8-1.5 Five-minute interval within hour (0-11.). -1 means more than a week. -2 means time coming back up is unknown. 1.4-1.1 Reason host is down: 1 Foreign host not communicating with network (took ready-line down without saying why). 2 Foreign host not communicating with network (host was tardy in accepting network traffic without saying why). 3 Foreign host does not exist, to the knowledge of the Network Control Center. 4 The IMP software is preventing communication with foreign host (this usually indicates IMP software initialization at the foreign site). 5 Foreign host down for scheduled P.M. 6 Foreign host down for scheduled hardware work. 7 Foreign host down for scheduled software work. 10 Foreign host down for emergency restart. 11 Foreign host down because of power outage. 12 Foreign host stopped at software breakpoint. 13 Foreign host down because of hardware failure. 14 Foreign host not scheduled to be up. 17 Foreign host in process of coming up. If one argument is supplied, then the host status word for the specified host is returned. If two arguments are supplied, then the "reason for going down" word for the local host is set. (As of June 30, 1975, setting this word doesn't seem to do anything at all. Didn't the code for sending this data to the IMP ever get written??) NETIMP: network IMP status (ITS NCP) If no arguments are present, three values are returned: val 1 Last message from IMP about going down. 4.9 IMP really is down now. 1.2-1.1 Reason: 0 "Last warning" or "panic restart"; the IMP is going down in 30. seconds or less. 1 Scheduled hardware P.M. 2 Scheduled software reload. 3 Emergency restart. val 2 Time going down, as returned by .RDTIME. val 3 Time coming back up, as returned by .RDTIME. If arguments are present, three must be present. They are used to set three default values which are returned if the IMP itself has not set the above three values. Presumably this is good for logically disabling network software? Errors: 30 TOO FEW ARGUMENTS Must have either 3 arguments or no arguments. NETINT: Send network interrupt OBSOLETE (ITS NCP) This system call is obsolete, and has been flushed. It is documented here for historical purposes only. arg 1 channel # An INR or INS message is sent, depending on the send/receive gender of the socket specified by the channel #. What this does depends on the protocol being used and the program at the other end of the connection. This call only works for NCP and is obsolete. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The channel specified is not an Arpanet NCP channel. NETRFC: Get pending Request For Connection for a specified network cbits %NQREF Arg 2 is a previously returned identifier, refuse connection and flush from queue. arg 1 - SIXBIT name of network one of CHAOS, TCP, or ARPNCP (obsolete) arg 2 - optional network-dependent arg for CHAOS: pointer to packet buffer for TCP: If %NQREF set, is ,, of request to reject (as returned from previous NETRFC call) val 1 - network-dependent value for TCP: ,, for ARPNCP: ,, This call is intended for use by very specialized programs which ITS invokes upon receiving unsolicited requests for connections. ITS will queue the request for a short time and start an appropriate job which uses NETRFC to obtain the request and process it. Currently these programs are NCP: SYS;ATSIGN NETRFC TCP: SYS;ATSIGN TCP CHAOS: SYS;ATSIGN CHAOS Normally the program will execute a NETRFC appropriate for its network, and obtain a returned request value. Accepting the request is device dependent, but refusal can always be done by calling NETRFC again with the %NQREF control bit set and furnishing the appropriate request identifier. See the CHAOSQ system call, which NETRFC is replacing. ERRORS 4 - TCP: No pending RFCs, or %NQREF with non-existent ,,. 12 - CHAOS: can't handle %NQREF yet. 33 - Unknown network specified. OPEN: open a file cbits Device dependent. Standard bits are: 2.7-2.9 0 = normal, 1 = write-over mode. 1.3 0 = ascii, 1 = image. 1.2 0 = unit, 1 = block. 1.1 0 = read, 1 = write. arg 1 Channel number. LH XOR'd with control bits. arg 2 Left-justified device name. arg 3 File name 1. arg 4 File name 2. arg 5 Sname. If not present, defaults to executing job's current sname (see the .SNAM user variable). See also the .OPEN uuo. The file names used for opening are subject to translation. See the TRANAD and TRANDL symbolic system calls. The file names .FILE. (DIR) are special: they cause the directory for the given device (and sname, if applicable) to be read. It is illegal to write the directory. If a device has no directory, then opening .FILE. (DIR) will supply the string "NON-DIRECTORY DEVICE", presumably. (This is a function of the unknown-device handler (see below) and hence the exact results may vary). Opening a directory in ascii mode yields an ascii string for people to look at; opening it in image mode yields a device-dependent file (or possibly a MODE NOT AVAILABLE error). For the DSK device, the control bits are: 1.4 %DONRF Don't set the reference date. 1.5 %DONLK Don't chase links. (I. E., if this is a link, open the link itself, not the file at which the link points. 1.6 %DORWT Readers wait. On output open, makes would-be readers wait till we close. 2.7 %DOWOV Write-over mode. Writes on the existing file of that name, instead of replacing it with a new file. The file names M.F.D. (FILE) when opened for input yield a master file directory for all disks. In ascii mode this is an ascii string containing the names of all directories, separated by a cr/lf sequence. The file names ..NEW. (UDIR) cause a new directory to be created with the given sname if none already exists. Creating a directory in this way causes a message to be printed on the system console. (A directory is destroyed only when the disks are salvaged by the stand-alone salvager, which is generally run just before the time-sharing system is restarted. A directory is then destroyed iff it contains no files.) If < or > is used as a file name, it is treated specially according to an algorithm no one understands, but which attempts to let it stand for the numerically smallest or largest file name among those in the directory. In particular, if you call your files FOO nnn, where nnn is a version number, then reading FOO > will read in the latest version, writing FOO > will write out a version one higher than the latest one (or FOO 1 if there is no file named FOO nnn), and deleting FOO < will delete the oldest one. Writing FOO < doesn't recreate an old file; it is the same as FOO >. If a file with numbers and letters in its name, for example FOO BAR27, already exists, writing FOO > will generate FOO BAR28 and not FOO 1. Letters to the right of numbers are generally ignored as far as < and > are concerned. Note that < and > may be used as first file names as well; this is mainly useful for the .LPTR. directory. It is illegal to use < or > for both file names at once. The SYS device ignores the sname, and otherwise is like using the device-sname pair DSK:SYS; . Writing new files or altering old ones on the SYS device (or even on DSK:SYS;) causes a message to appear on the system console documenting who the culprit is and what he did. This is because system programs and other files critical to system operation are kept on SYS:. In fact this applies to writing or altering files on any disk directory whose name begins with the three letters "SYS". Standard directories whose names begin with "SYS" include: SYS1 Extension for SYS directory (holds programs). SYS2 Extension for SYS directory (holds programs). SYS3 Extension for SYS directory (holds programs). SYSENG Source files for many system programs. SYSEN1 Extension for SYSENG directory. SYSEN2 Extension for SYSENG directory. SYSBIN Binary files for many system programs. SYSTEM Files having to do with ITS itself. SYSDOC Documentation for ITS itself. SYSNET Files having to do with Chaosnet and TCP. The COM device ignores the sname, and otherwise is like using the device-sname pair DSK:COMMON; . The TPL device ignores the sname, and otherwise is like using the device-sname pair DSK:.LPTR.; . (On systems without lineprinters the TPL device is generally just a JOB device.) On output, it furthermore ignores the file names, and instead uses the uname of the opening job as the second file name, and randomly generates a first file name. The system job prints files it finds on .LPTR. on the line printer, whenever it has nothing better to do and the line printer happens to be free; these files are subsequently deleted. Thus the TPL device provides a printer spooling facility. Attempts to rename a file on the TPL device are ignored, because the name controls the spooling order. For the LPT device, opening succeeds only if no one has the LPT, or the same user already has the LPT; in the former case the opening job must be in a tree controlled by a "local" tty as defined by its TTYTYP variable. In all other cases the OPEN is converted to use the TPL device instead. For the USR device, the file names should be the uname-jname pair of the job to open. If the uname is zero, it is equivalent to using the uname of the job doing the call. If the jname is zero, then the uname is interpreted as a specification; in this way one can open a job given its user index. A jname of PDP6 or PDP10 opens up the PDP-6 as the "job". (PDP10 as a jname goes back to the days when the PDP-6 ran ITS and the PDP-10 was the auxiliary processor!) Control bits: 1.4 Insist on opening an already existing job; i.e. do not create a new one. The job will be opened as a foreign job, not as an inferior. Here is an algorithm for deciding whether job Y will be a direct inferior or merely a foreign job when opened by job X: (DEFUN USR-OPEN-RESULT (X Y BIT-1*4) (COND (BIT-1*4 (COND ((EXISTS Y) 'FOREIGN) (T (ERROR)))) ((EXISTS Y) (COND ((INFERIOR Y X) 'INFERIOR) ((DISOWNED X) 'FOREIGN) ((NOT (DISOWNED Y)) 'FOREIGN) ((TOPLEVEL Y) (MAKE-NON-DISOWNED Y) (CHANGE-ALL-UNAMES Y (UNAME X)) (FIX-UP-TTY-CHANNELS Y) 'INFERIOR) (T 'FOREIGN))) ((= (UNAME X) (UNAME Y)) (CREATE-USR Y) (AND (DISOWNED X) (MAKE-DISOWNED Y)) 'INFERIOR) (T (ERROR)))) For the ERR device, the first file name must be numerically 1, 2, 3, or 4. If it is 1, then the .IOS word specified by the user variable .BCHN is examined. If it is 2, the .IOS word for the channel numerically specified by the second file name is examined. If it is 3, the second file name is itself the status word. Bits 3.1-4.5 of the specified word yield a the number of an error message which can then be read from the open ERR device. If the first file name is 4, the second file name must be the value returned into an error code return argument by a symbolic system .CALL that didn't skip. The corresponding error message can be read from the open ERR device. For TTY and Tnn devices (terminals in general), some of the control bits set first-time options, and some are per-channel. Those which are per-channel are marked below with a *. The standard names for these bits are also given. (ITS TTY) Control bits on input: 2.6 * %TIECH Read even if char needs pi echoing 2.5 * %TIPEK Don't remove char from buffer (peek) 2.3 * %TIACT Don't wait for activation char 2.2 * %TIINT Read even if char is an interrupt char and hasn't interrupted yet. 2.1 * %TINWT Do not wait for input. If no input is available, return -1 in unit mode, or return a partially filled block in block mode. 1.9 * %TIFUL Use the full TV character set if possible. In this mode, characters have this form: 2.3 %TXTOP Top. 2.2 Obsolete. Used to be Shift lock. 2.1 %TXSUP Super. Used to be Shift. 1.9 %TXMTA Meta. 1.8 %TXCTL Control. 1.7-1.1 %TXASC Ascii part of character. Of course, for non-TV's only %TXASC will be non-zero. 1.6 Set up 3 line echo area (like SCML of 3). 1.4 "DDT" mode. Initially clear the %TGPIE and %TGMPE bits for carriage return, line feed, and tab, thus causing them not to echo. 1.3 Image mode. Initially clear the %TGPIE and %TGMPE bits for all characters. 1.2 0 = unit mode, 1 = block mode. In block mode, ^C causes a block mode end of file. 1.1 0 = input. Control bits on output: 2.6 * %TJECH Echo mode output. 2.5 * %TJCTN Don't do line continuation. 2.4 * %TJSTP Channel is hung in **MORE**. Unusual in that the system modifies this bit. 2.3 * %TJDIS Recognize ^P cursor codes. 2.2 * %TJSIO Super-image output. No padding or cursor control is performed. 2.1 * %TJMOR Do not do **MORE** processing. 1.9 * %TJPP2 Output in the echo area if it exists. 1.6 Same as 2.2 - turns on %TJSIO. 1.5 Same as 2.3 - turns on %TJDIS. 1.4 Turns on %TJECH, %TJPP2, %TJMOR. 1.3 Image mode. Initially set %TGIMG bits for all characters. 1.2 0 = unit mode, 1 = block mode. In block mode output all ^C's are ignored. 1.1 1 = output. For STY device input, control bit 1.4 means that input IOTs, instead of hanging, will input a -1 in unit mode or not count out the AOBJN pointer in block mode (see ITS TTY for details). For STY output, control bit 1.4 means that output IOTs, instead of hanging when the tty's input buffer is full, will cause a ^G to be output, just as on normal ttys. Control bit 1.5, on input or output, causes a %TDORS character to be available as input when an output reset is done on the sty's alter ego. Control bit 1.3 is copied into the %TOHDX bit of the associated tty, thus making it half-duplex if set. These control bits are not per-channel, but rather will affect all channels open on the same STY. For the PTR and PTP devices (paper tape reader and punch), if the 1.4 control bit is on, then the 1.2 bit must be 0 and the 1.3 bit is ignored. In this mode all eight paper tape channels may be read or punched. For the NET device, the arguments are as follows: cbits 2.1-2.6 byte size for image mode 1.7 Use 8 times as large a buffer. 1.6 If ascii mode, use 8-bit bytes instead of 7-bit bytes. If image mode, use byte size in bits 2.1-2.6. 1.5 Open socket in listen mode. 1.4 0 = use arg 3 as local socket number. 1 = generate unique local socket number. (A generated socket number can be examined after opening by using the .RCHST uuo). 1.1-1.3 Standard. arg 1 Channel number. arg 2 Left-justified device name (i.e. NET). arg 3 Local socket number. arg 4 Foreign socket number. arg 5 Foreign host number. For the STK device (Stanford keyboard): cbits 1.7 If 1.6 = 1 and 1.5 = 0, then don't input the meta bit. 1.6 0 = Stanford mode: meta = 400 ctrl = 200 top+shift+others generate 0-177 1 = ITS mode: meta = 200 ctrl means ctrl, and works with others to generate 0-177 1.5 0 = convert according to 1.6-1.7. 1 = don't convert characters. 1.4 Don't hang if no character available for input - return -1 instead. If the device name used in the OPEN is not one known to to the system, the "unknown-device handler" is invoked. The system creates a job device and loads SYS:ATSIGN DEVICE into it; this program then has the responsibility for handling the OPEN. The normal action of this program is to look for a file DSK:DEVICE;JOBDEV , where is the requested device name. For example, if an attempt is made to OPEN the FOOBAR device, and the file DSK:DEVICE;JOBDEV FOOBAR exists, the program contained in this file will be used to interpret the OPEN via the JOB device. If such a file does not exist, but the device name has trailing digits, the unknown-device handler will try stripping successive trailing digits and retrying. For example, opening the AR1 device causes the unknown-device handler to look first for JOBDEV AR1, and then for JOBDEV AR. If the handler succeeds, it sets device name for PEEK and who-lines to the second file name that finally succeeded (see the JOBSTS symbolic system call). The unknown-device handler also handles requests for the directories of certain built-in devices whose directories are seldom asked for. If there is nothing better to return for a directory, the string "NON-DIRECTORY DEVICE" is returned. Errors: OPEN can return many errors. The following errors in particular are relevant to OPEN on the DSK device: 4 FILE NOT FOUND The specified directory exists, but the specified file does not. 5 DIRECTORY FULL There is no room in the directory to create an entry for the new output file. 7 DEVICE NOT READY The disk pack containing the file is offline (should never really happen). 10 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE a specific unit was selected, by opening DKn, and that unit is off-line or contains a reserved pack. Or, a specific pack was selected by opening PKn or Pnn, and that pack is reserved. The reserved-pack check only applies when writing. Reserved means secondary-pack, or reserved for the exclusive use of certain directories. 11 ILLEGAL FILE NAME One or both file names were zero; or, for an output file, the file names were M.F.D. (FILE) or .FILE. (DIR), which are names reserved for directories. 12 MODE NOT AVAILABLE Control bits 2.9-2.7 specified an illegal mode. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER This is a RENMWO error. 16 PACK NOT MOUNTED The pack specified by opening PKn or Pnn is not mounted, or the pack containing the file being read is not mounted. 20 NON-EXISTENT DIRECTORY The specified directory does not exist. 22 SELF-CONTRADICTORY OPEN Control bits 2.9-2.7 specified an illegal mode. 23 FILE LOCKED An attempt to open a file in write-over mode failed because someone has the file open for reading; or an attempt to open a file for read, write-over, rename, or delete failed because someone is writing the file or because the file has been deleted, but hasn't gone away yet because someone is reading it (i.e. there is a star next to it in the directory listing.) wait a while and try again. 24 M.F.D. FULL Cannot create a new directory because the master file directory is full. 27 LINK DEPTH EXCEEDED Links may not be chained to a length of greater than 100 links. This error probably means a circular chain of links. 47 LINK TO NON-EXISTENT FILE Error 4 or 20 occurred after following a link. PDUMP: pure dump a job arg 1 . arg 2 Disk output channel number. Should have been freshly opened for output. arg 3 State word; should be 0 initially. This word is updated as the PDUMP progresses; a value of 400000,, means that page is about to be dumped. The pages of the specified job are dumped onto the disk file in a form that can be efficiently loaded. In particular, information as to whether each page is read-only or not is saved so that when the program is run it can be swapped efficiently. If the same file is loaded into several jobs, they will all share the same physical copies of the read-only pages. In addition, absolute pages are remembered. A number of 2000-word (1K) blocks are dumped onto the file. The first block is as follows: wd 0 Contains zero. This distinguishes PDUMP'ed programs from, for example, MIDAS output. wds 1-400 Word contains information about block of the dumped job. This information is as follows: 4.9 Absolute page (shared with system). 2.9-2.8 00 Non-existent page. 01 Read-only page. 10,11 Read/write page. 2.2-1.1 If 4.9=1, absolute page number. wds 401-777 Zero. wds 1000-1017 The contents of the accumulators. Note that the accumulators aren't part of any page, so they wouldn't be saved if it were not for this special hack. The following blocks of the file are the successive pages of the job, but only those which need to be dumped. That is, absolute and non-existent pages are not dumped. Thus, suppose the pages of a job are laid out as follows: pg 0 Read/write. pg 1-5 Read-only. pg 6-7 Absolute (e.g., system symbol table). pg 100 Read/write. pg 200 Read/write. others Non-existent. Then nine blocks would be dumped out: blk 0 Descriptor block. blk 1 Page 0. blk 2-6 Pages 1-5. blk 7 Page 100 (octal). blk 10 Page 200 (octal). This is all that PDUMP writes out, leaving the file's access pointer at the end of the last block written. At this point the job doing the PDUMP will normally write out the symbol table, if any, for the dumped job onto the disk channel, preceded and followed by JUMPA instructions containing the starting address. When this is done, the resulting file can be loaded and run as a program under DDT. See the LOAD symbolic system call. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB Can't dump the PDP-6 job. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE First argument was some oddball channel, or second argument was not a disk output channel number. 35 NO SUCH JOB PGWRIT: Cause page to be written to disk arg 1 (Optional) A arg 2 Virtual page number within that job (a number from 0 to 377). control bits: 1.1 1 => don't wait for the page to finish getting written out, return immediately. Issue the call again with this bit 0 if you later want to wait for it to get written out. 1.2 1 => unlock the page. 0 => if the page is locked, swap it out anyway, but when it next gets swapped in again it will be locked again. If there is only one argument, it is arg 2. The is assumed to be the job issuing the call. The disk copy of the specified page is brought up to date; if the in-core copy has been modified by the specified the page is written out. The PGDUMP call does not return until the disk has finished recording the page. This is useful when pages of a file have been mapped into the user's address space. If the page cannot be swapped out because no disk space is available, or some job that is using it cannot be pclsr'ed, it waits a while and tries again. It does not return. This call used to be called PGDUMP, but the name was changed to avoid confusion with PDUMP. Errors: 12 MODE NOT AVAILABLE Page is absolute or tied down by exec pages. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER The argument is invalid. 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB Executing job doesn't have modification rights to the job specified by argument 1. 32 CAN'T GET THAT ACCESS TO PAGE The page number in argument 2 is not between 0 and 377; or the job does not have a page at that position in its address space. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The specifies the pdp-6, which does not have paging. 35 NO SUCH JOB The argument specified a non-existent job. PKTIOT: transfer one Chaosnet packet arg 1 - channel number arg 2 - address of a 126.-word block. Always transfers exactly one packet. The format of the 126.-word block is: 16 16 4 ----------------------------------------- | opcode | unused | fc | nbytes | 0 | ----------------------------------------- |destination host |destination index| 0 | ----------------------------------------- | source host | source index | 0 | ----------------------------------------- | packet # | ack packet # | 0 | ----------------------------------------- | data1 | data2 ... ... data487 | ----------------------------------------- For details of how to use these packets, see the Chaosnet protocol documentation. RAUTH: read a file's author. arg 1 Number of a channel open on the DSK device, or a . val 1 Sixbit name of the file's author (the last person to write on the file.) RCHST: read channel status. Note: This system call is obsolete. Use the RFNAME, RFPNTR, or WHYINT system call to obtain the information you want. arg 1 channel number val 1 The fullword sixbit name of the device open on the specified channel, or 0 if the channel is closed. val 2 The first file name of the file open on the channel, or 0 if filenames mean nothing on the device which is open. val 3 The second file name, or 0. val 4 The directory name of the open file, assuming that "directory name" has some meaning for the device which is in use; otherwise, 0. val 5 The channel's access pointer, if it is randomly accessible; otherwise, -1. val 6...additional device-dependent results The values may not be the same as the filenames, etc. that were used to open the channel. The results of this call are quite device-dependent. in the open-mode returned by RCHST. The following devices return the access pointer as -1 and the filenames and directory name as 0: NUL LPT NVD PLT PTP IMX OMX PTR DIS IDS COD TVC TAB MT0 MSP STK The data stored by other specific devices is described below. If a specific numbered value is not mentioned, then the default is returned by that device - 0 for values 2, 3 and 4; -1, for value 5. DIRECTORIES val 1 The device name val 2 sixbit/.FILE./ val 3 sixbit/(DIR)/ val 4 the directory name, on a multi-directory device DISK MFD's val 1 sixbit/DSK/ val 2 sixbit/M.F.D./ val 3 sixbit/(FILE)/ ERR val 1 'ERR,, val 2 3 val 3 a word in the format of a channel status word, which has the error codes that the ERR device is describing. Closed channel: vals 1-4 0 val 5 -1 TTY (as a console) val 1 'TTY,, TTY (as a device) val 1 'Tnm,, STY val 1 'Snm,, USR (including PDP-6) val 1 'USR,, val 2 Uname of job. val 3 Jname of job. val 4 0 val 5 Access pointer. UTn (micro-tape) val 1 'UTn,, val 2 File name 1. val 3 File name 2. val 4 Uname assigned to, or zero if none (see the .ASSIGN uuo). CLI, CLO, CLA, CLU val 1 'CLO,, val 2 File name 1. val 3 File name 2. val 4 Sname. DSK val 1 'DSK,, val 2 File name 1. val 3 File name 2. val 4 Directory name. val 5 Access pointer. May be a byte pointer if character mode. BOJ val 1 'BOJ,, val 2 Uname of creator (zero if he has gone away). val 3 Jname of creator (zero if he has gone away). JOB vals 1-n Whatever the job device decides to return. See the JOBSTS and JOBRET symbolic system calls. Note that the job sets the results for vals 1-4 once using the JOBSTS call, and only the values 5, 6, ... are taken from the JOBRET that responds to the RCHST. NET val 1 'NET,, val 2 Local socket number. val 3 Foreign socket number. val 4 4.9 Network interrupt (INR/INS) received. 2.9-2.1 Byte size. 1.9-1.1 Foreign host number. val 5 4.9-3.1 Time until IMP goes down, in thirtieths of a second. 0 => IMP down. -1 => IMP doesn't plan to go down. 2.9-1.1 Socket state: 0 %NSCLS CLS received. val 6 gives reason. 1 %NSLSN Listening for RFC. 2 %NSRFC RFC received while listening. 3 %NSRCL CLS received while in RFC received state. 4 %NSRFS RFC sent. 5 %NSOPN Connection open. 6 %NSRFN RFNM wait on write link. 7 %NSCLW CLS sent. Waiting for matching CLS. 10 %NSCLI CLS received, but input still available. 11 %NSINP Input available. val 7 Reason for closing: 0 %NCNTO Never open. 1 %NCUSR Closed by user. 2 %NCFRN Closed by foreign host. 3 %NCRST Foreign host Reset itself. 4 %NCDED Foreign host dead. 5 %NCINC Incomplete transmission. 6 %NCBYT Byte size mismatch. 7 %NCNCP Local NCP went down. 10 %NCRFS Connection refused. val 8 Input: number of bits available. Output: number of bits of buffer free. TCP: (Internet TCP) val 1 SIXBIT /TCP/ val 2 Local port # val 3 Foreign port # val 4 Foreign net address (HOSTS3 format) Chaosnet: val 1 SIXBIT /CHAOS/ val 2 Local index val 3 Foreign index val 4 Foreign net address (HOSTS3 format) SPY: val 1 SIXBIT /SPY/ val 2 TTY number RCPOS: read cursor position (ITS TTY) arg 1 or val 1 Main program area cursor position. val 2 Echo area cursor position. Each cursor position is returned as a word with the vertical position in the left half and the horizontal position in the right half. See the SCML symbolic system call for setting up an echo area. RDDMST: read demon status arg 1 Either the sixbit name or the user index of a demon job. val 1 If arg 1 was the sixbit name, the user index; if it was the user index, the sixbit name. val 2 4.9-3.1 If non-zero, the time in two-minute ticks between automatic signals for the demon. 2.9-1.1 Number of requests pending for the demon. val 3 Time in two-minute ticks until the next automatic signal will occur (meaningful only if arg 2 bits 4.9-3.1 not zero). See also the DEMSIG and STDMST symbolic system calls, and the .DEMON uuo. RDMPBT: read dump bit arg 1 Disk channel number or val 1 A word, all zero, except with the dump check bit for the file in bit 1.1. The dump check bit is used by the magtape file backup system to keep track of which files have been backed up on magtape. This bit therefore should not be twiddled light-heartedly. The "!" you sometimes see in front of a date in a disk file directory is present iff the dump check bit for the file is zero. See also the .DMPCH uuo and the SDMPBT symbolic system call. RELOAD: reload top-level job (ITS DETACH) No arguments or values. Note, however, that an argument of some kind must be supplied so that the SETZ bit may be present to terminate the set of arguments. The executing job must be the top level job of a non-disowned job tree. Most of the job's system variables are initialized; the file SYS:ATSIGN is then loaded and started up, where is the jname of the job (see the .JNAME user variable). For example, if the jname of the job is HACTRN, then the file SYS:ATSIGN HACTRN (which is DDT) is loaded and started. This is how DDT performs the U. command. Note that the translation lists for the job are not cleared before this loading; thus one can translate the file names SYS:ATSIGN and cause a different file to be loaded. More specifically, the way the job is loaded is that the following program is put into the job's ac's and started at location 0: 0/ JFCL ;unused word 1/ .OPEN 1,7 ;open up file SYS:ATSIGN 2/ JRST 0 ;retry on failure 3/ .CALL 12 ;load up program 4/ .LOGOUT ;logout if loading fails 5/ .IOT 1,2 ;read in starting address 6/ JRST (2) ;go there 7/ 4,,'SYS ;SYS device, image unit input 10/ SIXBIT \ATSIGN\ 11/ 0 ; is placed here 12/ SETZ 13/ SIXBIT \LOAD\ ;load file into job 14/ 16 ;job specification 15/ SETZ 17 ;channel number 16/ -1 ;job is me 17/ 1 ;channel number is 1 Typically the first thing a job used as a top level (such as DDT) does is close channel 1. Now you know why. The LOAD system call leaves channel 1 open so that the start address and symbol table can be read in. Errors: 40 NOT TOP LEVEL RENAME: rename a file Either arg 1 Byte pointer to ASCIZ string specifying the old name, or AOBJN pointer to block of byte pointers, arg 2 Byte pointer to ASCIZ string specifying the new name, or AOBJN pointer to block of byte pointers, Or arg 1 Left-justified device name. arg 2 Old file name 1. arg 3 Old file name 2. arg 4 Sname. If zero, the executing job's sname is used (see the .SNAM user variable). arg 5 New file name 1. arg 6 New file name 2. The file specified by the first four names is renamed according to the last two. It is not possible to "rename" a file into a new directory or device. Attempting to rename to an already existing file will fail with error code 13 (File already exists). The old file names are subject to file name translation. See the TRANAD and TRANDL symbolic system calls. See the SOPEN symbolic system call for how the byte or AOBJN pointer argument should be formatted and how the string(s) are parsed. See also the .FDELE uuo. RENMWO: rename while open Either arg 1 Channel number of channel with file open on it. arg 2 Byte pointer to ASCIZ string specifying the new name, or AOBJN pointer to block of byte pointers, Or arg 1 Channel number of channel with file open on it. arg 2 New file name 1. arg 3 New file name 2. The file open on the specified channel is renamed according to the specified names. Ordinarily this is used in connection with output. Often one opens a file for output with artificial file names, for instance _TECO_ OUTPUT, instead of the real desired names. This is so that if something should happen, causing the channel to be closed before writing to the file is finished, any previous file with the desired names will not be replaced by the new, incomplete file. When all the necessary data have been written into the file, one RENMWO's to the desired names and then CLOSE's. This causes the new, good file to replace the old one of the same names. (By convention, file names beginning with "_" are artificial names reserved for this purpose. Ordinarily a program FOO will use the first file name _FOO_ and a second file name indicating the nature of the output file; thus _FOO_ OUTPUT, _FOO_ CRFOUT, _FOO_ LSTOUT, etc.) See the SOPEN symbolic system call for how the byte or AOBJN pointer argument should be formatted and how the string(s) are parsed. See also the .FDELE uuo. REOWN: re-own a disowned job arg 1 channel # The foreign job open on the specified channel is made an inferior of the current job. The sub-tree of that job becomes part of the sub-tree of the current job. The UNAMEs of the specified job and all its inferiors are changed to the UNAME of the current job. The JNAMEs are altered where necessary to keep all UNAME-JNAME pairs in the system unique. Errors: 5 DIRECTORY FULL The current job already has the maximum number of inferiors (8). 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The specified job is not top-level, or not disowned. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Specified channel is not open on the USR device, or the job is already an inferior of the current job. 42 JOB GONE OR GOING AWAY The specified job is in the process of logging out. RESET: reset input/output channel arg 1 Channel number. See also the .RESET uuo. This is a device-dependent operation. In general the intent is to reset the state of the device to some standard setting. For TTY input: If the particular TTY involved is the console, wait until the executing job possesses the tty. (If the %TBINT bit is set for the job, give a word 1 interrupt on bit 4.2 if the job doesn't have the tty.) If the TTY is in communicate mode, wait until it leaves communicate mode. All characters pending in the input buffer are thrown away. Any interrupt characters which have not yet interrupted will not interrupt. Any echoing characters which have not yet echoed will not echo. For TTY output: If the particular TTY involved is the console, wait until the executing job possesses the tty. (If the %TBINT bit is set for the job, give a word 1 interrupt on bit 4.2 if the job doesn't have the tty.) If the TTY is in communicate mode, wait until it leaves communicate mode. Any characters in the output buffer are thrown away iff the %TPORS bit is 1. If the channel was hung in a **MORE**, the **MORE** is forgotten. If the job was interrupted in the middle of ^P code typeout, the ^P is forgotten. Other oddball state bits are also reset to their normal state. If the intelligent terminal protocol is in use on the tty, then a %TDORS code will be sent to it, and a reply stating the terminal's actual cursor position awaited before any more output is allowed. See the description of this protocol in the TTY documentation. For the USR device: This is like doing a .UCLOSE and then re-opening the job, but with less overhead. All pages of the job are flushed, and a single page, page 0, is created and cleared. All resource variables and other variables are initialized. The %TBNOT and %TBDTY bits are set in the .TTY variable. The .SNAM variable is initialized to the uname of the job. The .40ADDR variable is set to 40 octal. The .APRC variable is set to 447 octal. For the LPT device: The line currently being physically output is terminated and output. All characters pending in the output buffer are flushed. The printer is skipped to a new page. For the PLT device: All buffered plotter commands are flushed. For the PTR device: All buffered input characters are flushed. For the PTP device: All buffered output characters are flushed. For the COD device: All buffered output characters are flushed. For the PDP-6: The core of the PDP-6 is cleared. If it is running, this should cause it to loop, executing the zero word in location 41. A routine is then placed in core to clear the PI flags, clear the processor flags, release all shared devices, clear the accumulators, and finally clear itself from core. If the routine fails to run (the PDP-6 is not running), then the routine is cleared out of the PDP-6 memory again anyway. For the NET device: Any pending interrupt (INR or INS) is cleared. For TCP channels: Currently does nothing. For the Chaosnet (channels opened with CHAOSO): Does nothing. For the STY device: An input reset is much like an output reset for the tty which is the STY's alter ego; similarly, an output reset is much like an input reset for the associated tty. One difference is that a STY input reset does not reset certain channel-related bits that a tty output reset would; on the other hand, it always succeeds in flushing characters even if the %TPORS bit is not set. For the STK device: All buffered input characters are flushed. RESRDT: restore file reference date arg 1 Disk channel number or The reference date for the disk file is restored to its value prior to the opening of the file. Note that control bit 1.4 avoids setting the reference date when a disk file is opened. See the OPEN symbolic system call. See also the DSKUPD, FILBLK, RQDATE and SRDATE symbolic system calls. RFDATE: read file creation date arg 1 Disk channel number or val 1 The creation date of the file: 4.7-4.1 Year (mod 100.). 3.9-3.6 Month (January = 1). 3.5-3.1 Day of month. 2.9-1.1 Time of creation, in half-seconds after midnight. See also the RQDATE and SFDATE symbolic system calls. RFNAME: read name of file channel is open to arg 1 whose channel should be read. (OPTIONAL) If omitted, self is assumed. arg 2 channel number arg 3 Optional byte pointer to store ASCIZ filename string through. arg 4 Optional maximum number of characters to store. val 1 The fullword sixbit name of the device open on the specified channel, or 0 if the channel is closed. val 2 The first file name of the file open on the channel, or 0 if filenames mean nothing on the device which is open. val 3 The second file name, or 0. val 4 The directory name of the open file, assuming that "directory name" has some meaning for the device which is in use; otherwise, 0. val 5 The mode in which the channel is open. The filenames and mode as described by the RFNAME may not be the same as those specified in the original open. That is because they are intended to be the "real" filenames, etc., as opposed to those that were specified. In other words, they are supposed to be the canonical arguments to specify to attempt to re-open the file. For example, the results of filename translation and link following will show up in the names returned by RFNAME, as opposed to the translated names or the names of the link that was followed. Similarly, if COM or SYS is opened, RFNAME will return DSK:COMMON; or DSK:SYS; since COM and SYS are equivalent to those disk directories. The core link devices CLO, CLU, CLA and CLI perform different functions when first opened, but after the open they result in indistinguishable channels, and the file could be re-opened in any case by specifying CLO with the right filenames, so RFNAME will for all four devices return the device name CLO. Some open-mode bits also have only an initial effect, and they too are likely to be missing (or else always present!) in the open-mode returned by RFNAME. The following devices return the filenames and directory name as 0: NUL LPT NVD PLT PTP IMX OMX PTR DIS IDS COD TVC TAB MT0 MSP STK The data stored by other specific devices is described below. If a specific numbered value is not mentioned, then the default is returned by that device - 0 for values 2, 3 and 4; bits 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 with their standard meanings for the open-mode (value 5). DIRECTORIES val 1 The device name val 2 sixbit/.FILE./ val 3 sixbit/(DIR)/ val 4 the directory name, on a multi-directory device DISK MFD's val 1 'DSK,, val 2 sixbit/M.F.D./ val 3 sixbit/(FILE)/ ERR val 1 'ERR,, val 2 3 val 3 a word in the format of a channel status word, which has the error codes that the ERR device is describing. Closed channel: vals 1-5 0 TTY (as a console) val 1 'TTY,, val 5 see TTY as a device TTY (as a device) val 1 'Tnm,, val 5 Bits 1.1 and 1.2 are standard. For output channels, all the %TJ... bits are returned also as they were in the OPEN. For input channels, all the %TI... bits are returned as they were specfied in the OPEN. STY val 1 'Snm,, val 5 All the bits of a STY open are returned. USR (including PDP-6) val 1 'USR,, val 2 Uname of job. val 3 Jname of job. val 4 0 val 5 bits 1.1 and 1.2 as standard bit 1.4 1 if the job is not an inferior of the job which has it open. UTn (micro-tape) val 1 'UTn,, val 2 File name 1. val 3 File name 2. val 4 Uname assigned to, or zero if none (see the .ASSIGN uuo). CLI, CLO, CLA, CLU val 1 'CLO,, val 2 File name 1. val 3 File name 2. val 4 Sname. DSK val 1 'DSK,, val 2 File name 1. val 3 File name 2. val 4 Directory name. BOJ val 1 'BOJ,, val 2 Uname of creator (zero if he has gone away). val 3 Jname of creator (zero if he has gone away). JOB vals 1-n Whatever the job device decides to return. See the JOBSTS system call. Note that the JOB device is not specifically consulted when the RFNAME call is given; it sets up the file names and open mode once and then these values are returned whenever a user asks for them with RFNAME. NET: (Arpanet NCP) Note that val 4 is slightly nonstandard. val 1 'NET,, val 2 Local socket number. val 3 Foreign socket number. val 4 4.9 Network interrupt (INR/INS) received. 2.9-2.1 Byte size. 1.9-1.1 Foreign host number. TCP: (Internet TCP) val 1 SIXBIT /TCP/ val 2 Local port # val 3 Foreign port # val 4 Foreign net address (HOSTS3 format) Chaosnet: val 1 SIXBIT /CHAOS/ val 2 Local index val 3 Foreign index val 4 Foreign net address (HOSTS3 format) val 5 0 or 1 (i.e. .UAI or .UAO) SPY: val 1 SIXBIT /SPY/ val 2 TTY number RFPNTR: read channel's random access pointer arg 1 channel # (or ) val 1 random access pointer val 2 channel byte size. The acces pointer is in terms of bytes of this size. The random access pointer is the number of bytes into the file at which the next reading or writing operation will occur. See also the ACCESS system call, the .ACCESS UUO, the RCHST system call, and the .RCHST UUO. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The device open on the specified channel is not random-access. RQDATE: read disk format date val 1 Current date and time in disk format: 4.7-4.1 Year (mod 100.). 3.9-3.6 Month (January = 1). 3.5-3.1 Day of month. 2.9-1.1 Time in half-seconds after midnight. If date and time are unknown, -1 is returned. val 2 Date and time the system came up in disk format. If date and time are unknown, -1 is returned. See also the DSKUPD, FILBLK, RESRDT, RFDATE, and SFDATE symbolic system calls. RSSIZE: read screen size (ITS TTY) arg 1 or val 1 Vertical size of screen (huge if printing). val 2 Horizontal size of screen (print width). See also the CNSGET and CNSSET symbolic system calls. SAUTH: set a file's author arg 1 The number of a channel open on the DSK device, or a . arg 2 The sixbit name of the file's author. Note: the author is actually stored as a directory number, so if the author does not have a directory SIXBIT /______/ will be substituted. Trailing digits are deleted in an attempt to find the author's directory. SCML: set the number of TTY command lines (ITS TTY) arg 1 or arg 2 Number of command lines (typical value is 4). Must be less than the height of the screen. If zero, no echo area. This causes an echo area to be set up at the bottom of the display screen, using the last lines. Characters typed in, or characters output in echo mode, are output to this area rather than the main area. Note that control bit 1.6 in an OPEN symbolic system call for TTY input does an implicit SCML with a second argument of 3. SCPOS: set tty cursor position (ITS TTY) arg 1 or arg 2 vertical position (optional). arg 3 horizontal position (optional). arg 4 TTOALC word (optional). val 1 old vertical position. val 2 old horixontal position. val 3 old TTOALC word. This call tells the system what the main-program-level cursor position of the specified tty really is. It does NOT request that the cursor be MOVED there; it asserts that the cursor is expected to end up there as a result of the characters already IOT'ed. This call is necessary only when the system cannot figure the resulting cursor position out for itself. There are two cases when that happens: 1) The system does not compute cursor motion when super-image output is done. If the user program, which presumably knows how the characters are being used, knows that the cursor will be moved by them, it should inform the system. This is necessary even if the user program is just trying to save time by generating the internal system output buffer codes itself. 2) When an output reset is done on a tty of type %TNSFW (a "software tty"), the system does not know where the tty's cursor is physically located. Since the system does not actually interpret the output characters at interrupt level, but merely passes them off to the tty, it does not know how much the tty had done when the output reset happened. To recover, the system sets the LH of the tty's TTOALC word to 0, and sends a %TDORS character to the tty. The tty should respond by informing the system of the current cursor position and setting the LH of TTOALC to -1. Physical ttys must use the intelligent terminal protocol to do that, but STY users may do it with SCPOS. SDMPBT: set dump bit arg 1 Disk channel number or arg 2 A word with the new value for the dump check bit in bit 1.1. The dump check bit is used by the magtape file backup system to keep track of which files have been backed up on magtape. This bit therefore should not be twiddled light-heartedly. The "!" you sometimes see in front of a date in a disk file directory is present iff the dump check bit for the file is zero. See also the .DMPCH uuo and the RDMPBT symbolic system call. SETIOC: set input/output channel error This symbolic system call is ARCHAIC and OBSOLETE. It is documented here for historical purposes only. Its use in new programs is to be avoided. Its function has been superseded by the JOBIOC symbolic system call. arg 1 BOJ channel number or arg 2 IOC error code. This is used by JOB devices to cause the calling job to receive a word 1 IOC interrupt. This interrupt will be given when the calling job next attempts an IOT operation. The .BCHN variable for that job will be set to the channel it has the JOB device pen on, and bits 4.1-4.5 of the corresponding .IOS word are set to the specified IOC error code. See also the JOBINT symbolic system call. Valid IOC error codes are as follows: 1 ILLEGAL HARDWARE OPERATION ATTEMPTED 2 ATTEMPTED RANDOM ACCESS TO ADDRESS BEYOND END OF FILE 3 NON-RECOVERABLE DATA ERROR 4 NON-EXISTENT SUB-DEVICE 5 OVER IOPOP 6 OVER IOPUSH 7 USR OP CHNL DOES NOT HAVE USR OPEN 10 CHNL NOT OPEN 11 DEVICE FULL (can also mean a directory is full) 12 CHNL IN ILLEGAL MODE ON IOT 13 ILLEGAL CHR AFTER CNTRL P ON TTY DISPLAY 14 DIRECTORY FULL 15 DIRECTORY'S ALLOCATION EXHAUSTED Errors: 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Second argument is not a valid IOC error code. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE First argument is not a BOJ channel number. 41 OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN SFDATE: set file creation date arg 1 Disk channel number or arg 2 New creation date and time in disk format: 4.7-4.1 Year (mod 100.). 3.9-3.6 Month (January = 1). 3.5-3.1 Day of month. 2.9-1.1 Time of creation, in half-seconds after midnight. See also the DSKUPD, FILBLK, RFDATE, RQDATE and SRDATE symbolic system calls. SIOT: byte-string in/out transfer cbits Same as for IOT symbolic system call (q.v.). arg 1 I/O channel number. arg 2 Byte pointer to string to transfer (must not be indexed or indirect). arg 3 Count of bytes to be transferred. arg 4 (Optional) device-independent special mode bits. The second and third arguments are updated as the transfer proceeds. If an end of file condition occurs or the job is interrupted out of the system call, they may not be fully counted out. SIOT is notably efficient for STY input and TTY superimage output - much faster than block mode. For details of Chaosnet SIOT, see the description of IOT. Supposedly some esoteric devices don't support this mode of I/O transfer, but I can't think of any. Also, it is alleged that on some devices, SIOT is not yet as efficient as block mode. Errors: 12 MODE NOT AVAILABLE The device open on this channel doesn't support SIOT. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS The second or third argument was immediate. SOPEN: open file, using strings to specify the filename arg 1 mode bits,,channel number arg 2 byte pointer to ASCIZ filename string, or AOBJN pointer to a block of byte pointers to strings to be concatenated. If the second argument's left half is between -63. and -1, then the argument is treated as an AOBJN pointer to a block of byte pointers to ASCIZ strings. Those ASCIZ strings are effectively concatenated for parsing. Otherwise, the second argument is treated as one byte pointer. 0 may be used as the left half of a byte pointer, and is an abbreviation for 440700. The combined string is parsed using the ordinary ITS filename syntax, with colon indicating a device name, semicolon indicating a directory name, and space separating filenames. ^Q is used for quoting colon, semicolon, space, ^Q and ^@ (which would otherwise terminate the string); it cannot hurt to quote other characters with ^Q. SOPEN defaults the device to "DSK", the second filename to ">", and the directory to the executing job's current sname. Multiple devices, directories and names may be significant with some job devices, and perhaps with disk files as well at some time in the future. Once the string has been parsed into filenames, operation proceeds as for the OPEN symbolic system call, which see. SOPEN appears to a job device handler just like any other OPEN, except that the original second argument byte or AOBJN pointer is available as one of the values of the JOBCAL symbolic system call (which see). For an ordinary OPEN, that value from JOBCAL is zero. SRDATE: set file reference date arg 1 Disk channel number or arg 2 New reference date in disk format: 4.7-4.1 Year (mod 100.). 3.9-3.6 Month (January = 1). 3.5-3.1 Day of month. See also the DSKUPD, FILBLK, RESRDT, and RQDATE symbolic system calls. SREAPB: set the do not reap bit arg 1 Disk channel or arg 2 0 for the normal case. 1 to request the grim file reaper to leave this file alone. The do not reap bit of the file open on the channel is set. The G*** F*** R**P** doesn't respect this bit yet. The bit can be read using the FILBLK system call. It is UNREAP in the FSDEFS insert file. SSERVE: set server job arg 1 Client job (OPTIONAL) If omitted, self is assumed. arg 2 Server job The .SERVER variable of the client job is modified to point to the server job. See the description of .SERVER in .INFO.;ITS USETS. This system call permits .SERVER to be updated without trafficking in user indices. Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Neither the client nor the server can be the PDP6 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB Executing job must be able to modify the client job. SSTATU: get various system status variables val 1 If non-negative, the time (in thirtieths of a second) until the system will go down. -1 if the system does not intend to go down. -2 if the system is already down (can happen in a job with %OPLIV set). Obtained from the ITS variable SHUTDN. See the .DIETIME, .SHUTDN, and .REVIVE uuos. val 2 Non-zero if the system is being debugged. This state causes the message XX ITS ### BEING DEBUGGED to appear on free consoles instead of the XX ITS ### IN OPERATION message usually seen when the system comes up. If negative, the system is officially down; ^Z is accepted only from tty 0 (the terminal physically next to the PDP-10 console) or from the tty whose number is the absolute value of the contents of this quantity. A ^Z is also accepted from a tty associated with a STY; this is so that STY devices may be debugged! It is the responsibility of the STELNT server to examine this quantity and keep network users from logging in when the system is being debugged. Obtained from the ITS variable SYSDBG. val 3 Number of users on the system. This is a count of logged-in, console-controlled job trees in the system. This variable is incremented whenever a user logs in from a console, and decremented whenever a console- controlled tree is detached, gunned, or logged out. This is the ITS variable SUSRS. val 4 Sum of parity and nxm memory errors during this incarnation of the system. This is the sum of the ITS variables PARERR and NXMERR. val 5 Time the system has been up, in thirtieths of a second. This is the ITS variable TIME. See the .RDTIME uuo. val 6 The left-justified name of the machine, i.e. one of: SIXBIT \AI\ ;A.I. Lab KS-10 SIXBIT \ML\ ;Mathlab KS-10 SIXBIT \MC\ ;Mail Computer KS-10 SIXBIT \MD\ ;Mostly Development KS-10 SIXBIT \MX\ ;Macsyma Consortium KL-10 SIXBIT \SI\ ;Stacken ITS KS-10 SIXBIT \PM\ ;PandaMonium KS-10 SIXBIT \FU\ ;Australian KS-10 SIXBIT \DM\ ;Dynamic Modeling KA-10 (R.I.P.) SIXBIT \MLKA\ ;Mathlab KA-10 (R.I.P.) SIXBIT \AIKA\ ;A.I. Lab KA-10 (R.I.P.?) This is the name which appears for XX in such messages as XX ITS ### IN OPERATION and which serves as a device name for that machine's disks (i.e. the ML device is the DSK device of the ML (Mathlab) machine). If more ITS machines come into existence, naturally more machine names will be invented. val 7 The system version number, in sixbit. This is the ### in such messages as above. val 8 The number of free job slots. DDT uses much of this information to print out its greeting to you: If value 2 is non-zero DDT prints out ITS BEING DEBUGGED! If value 1 is non-negative DDT prints out XX ITS GOING DOWN IN 1:23 if e.g. ITS were going down in 1 minute, 23 seconds. (DDT also prints the contents of the file SYS:DOWN MAIL if that file exists.) Value 3 is used to print out the number of users as 23. LUSERS (if your DDT has not logged in itself, it increments this value so as to count you also). Values 4 and 5 are used to compute the number of memory errors per hour, printed as: MEM ERRS .034142/HOUR The DDT command :SSTATU will print out all this information. STATUS: get input/output status word arg 1 Channel number. val 1 Status word for specified channel. This call returns a word describing the state of the specified channel: 4.9-4.6 Always zero. See the .IOPUSH and .IOPOP uuo's, and the .IOP and .IOS user variables. 4.5-4.1 If non-zero, the number of a non-display input/output error (see table below). 3.9-3.7 If non-zero, the number of an interpreted display input/output error (see table below). 3.6-3.1 If non-zero, the number of a standard error. These are the same as the error codes returned by failing .CALL's. 2.9-2.3 Device dependent (see below). 2.2 Buffering capacity empty. 2.1 Buffering capacity full. 1.9-1.7 Mode in which device was opened. 1.9 0 = ascii, 1 = image. 1.8 0 = unit, 1 = block. 1.7 0 = input, 1 = output. 1.6-1.1 ITS internal physical device code. 0 TTY Console input. 1 TTY Printing console output. 2 TTY Display console output. 3 LPT Data Products line printer. 4 VID Vidisector ??? 5 BAT ?? 6 PLT Calcomp plotter. 7 PTP Paper tape punch. 10 IMX Input multiplexor. 11 OMX Output multiplexor. 12 PTR Paper tape reader. 13 DIS DEC 340 display, ascii output. 14 IDS Interpreted 340 display. 15 MTn Magnetic tape. 16 COD Morse code device. 17 TAB Tablet. ??? 21 NUL Source of zeroes, or output sink. 22 JOB Job device. 23 BOJ Inverse of JOB. 24 SPY Spy on another console. 25 STY Pseudo-teletype. 26 NET ARPAnet (NCP). 27 LPT Vogue line printer (yech!) 30 STK Stanford keyboard. 31 MSP ? 32 CHAOS CHAOS net. 33 TCP TCP Internet. 34 TRAP Trap "device" 35 IPQ Internet IP Queue. 41 UTn Microtape (DECtape). 43 DSK 2311 disk drives or equivalent. 60 USR A not immediately inferior procedure. 61 USR An immediately inferior procedure. 62 CLx Various core link devices (CLA, CLI, CLO, CLU) 63 --- File directory or ERR device. 64 USR The PDP-6. 65 DIRHNG Directory hang "device" Device dependent bits for TTY input: 2.9 Local tty. 2.8 Next to the 340 or a 340 slave. 2.5 Chars pending which have been .ITYIC'ed but not IOT'ed. 2.4 The job possesses the tty. Device dependent bits for TTY output: 2.4 The job possesses the tty. Device dependent bits for Data Products LPT: 2.9-2.3 Current column (left margin = 0). Device dependent bits for MTn (macro-tape): 2.9 Chunk, write EOR after each IOT (should be block) on output, don't ignore them on input. See magtap info. 2.8 0 => odd parity, 1 => even parity. 2.7-2.6 Density: 00 => 800, 01 => 200, 10 => 556. Apparently 11 => IBM 9 track 800 bpi?? 2.5 0 => 7 track, 1 => 9 track. 2.4 End of tape. 2.3 Read compare error. Device dependent bits for NET: 2.9-2.4 Socket state: 0 %NSCLS CLS received or net down. Connection closed. 1 %NSLSN Listening for RFC. 2 %NSRFC RFC received while listening. 3 %NSRCL CLS received while in state 2. 4 %NSRFS RFC sent. 5 %NSOPN Connection open. 6 %NSRFN RFNM wait on write link. 7 %NSCLW CLS sent; waiting for matching CLS. 10 %NSCLI CLS received but input still available. 11 %NSINP Input available. Device dependent bits for TCP: 2.9-2.4 Connection state - see WHYINT call for state codes. CHAOSnet provides no device dependent bits. A STATUS word can be supplied to the ERR device to obtain corresponding error message, if any. See also the JOBSTS symbolic system call, the .STATUS uuo, and the .IOS user variable. STDMST: set demon status arg 1 Either the sixbit name or the user index of a demon job. arg 2 If negative, flush all requests for the specified demon. Otherwise: 4.9-3.1 If non-zero, the time in two-minute ticks between automatic signals for the demon. 2.9-1.1 Number of requests pending for the demon. arg 3 Time in two-minute ticks until the next automatic signal will occur (meaningful only if arg 2 bits 4.9-3.1 not zero). See also the DEMSIG and RDDMST symbolic system calls, and the .DEMON uuo. STLGET: get information from Server Telnet arg 1 a val 1 XJNAME of server telnet val 2 TRMNAM of server telnet This is the sixbit name of the host connected to. val 3 SNAME of server telnet val 4 In LH: STY status bits In RH: index of telnet server job which owns the STY. This call can be used to find out where in the network a TTY really is. The STY status bits are from the STYSTS table in ITS. Some of the more interesting ones include: %SSNET==4000 ;4.3 = 1 => THIS STY CONNECTED TO SOME NET SOCKETS. %SSCHA==2000 ;4.2 = 0 FOR ARPANET, 1 FOR CHAOS NET %SSTCP==1000 ;4.1 = 1 for TCP internet (%SSCHA must be 0) Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Specified TTY is not controlled by a server telnet. STYGET: get information about STY arg 1 (need not be associated with a STY) val 1 STY status word: 4.9 %SSHNG Don't hang on input IOT. 4.8 %SSUSE STY is in use. 4.7 %SSINT Have given interrupt on STY output channels. 4.6 %SSONT Have given interrupt on STY input channels. 4.5 %SSOHG Don't hang on output IOT. 4.4 %SSORS Give a %TDORS whenever an output RESET is done on the controlled tty, regardless of whether the tty is a software tty. 2.9-1.1 User index of job which owns the STY. Zero if STY is not in use, or if TTY is not associated with a STY. val 2 User index of job which owns the TTY, either as a device or as a currently possessed console; or -1 if TTY is free. val 3 -1 if the TTY is not a console or is free. Otherwise, 2.9-1.1 is the user index of the top-level job of the job tree controlled by the TTY. 4.8 = 1 if that job is in the process of logging out. 4.7 = 1 if that job is logged in. val 4 4.9 Owner of TTY is in a TTY output wait on the TTY. 1.1 Owner of TTY is in a TTY input wait on the TTY. These bits probably don't work very well. val 5 4.9 TTY input available. 4.8 TTY output buffer has room. val 6 The tty's TTYSTA word. 4.9 %TACFM TTY does not need a console free message eventually (hasn't been in use since the last one). 4.8 %TAC.Z TTY is being ^Z'd. Shouldn't be on with %TACFM. If %TACFM and %TAC.Z are both 0, the tty is being freed and a console free message is immanent. 4.7 %TANJS This ^Z is being flushed because no job slots are available. If set, %TAC.Z will be 1 and %TACFM will be 0. This symbolic system call originally was intended to return STY information, but now returns useful data concerning any TTY. STYNET: Connect a STY to a pair of Network connections. arg 1 Sty channel (either direction). arg 2 -1 to disconnect the STY from its network channels (in which case args 3 and 4 are unnecessary), or Net input channel (to connect STY output to). This may be a NCP, TCP, or CHAOS channel. arg 3 Net output channel (to connect STY input to). arg 4 Characters to send out on net when an output .RESET is done on the STY's TTY. Up to 3 8-bit characters, left-justified. It is possible with this call to connect a STY to a pair of network channels, one open for input, and one open for output. When the direct connection is established, anything received by the net input socket will be fed automatically to the STY, and any type-out that the STY receives from its TTY will be fed automatically to the net output channel. The transfer of data is handled by the system at clock level, eliminating the need for the program to wake up at each character. Only one input and one output net channel can be connected to a STY, and only one STY can be connected to any net channel. Both sides of a STY are connected and disconnected at once. A job can connect a STY if it has the STY open in either direction (but it will generally want to have both directions open). Once established, the direct connection will last until broken explicitly by the user, or until an escape condition is detected by the system. Escape conditions include receipt of a TELNET control character on the net input channel (any character with the 200's bit on), and either net channel's getting into an abnormal state (other than %NSOPN, %NSINP, or %NSCLI) - in general, things which the system expects that the user program will want to take action on. The connection can be broken explicitly by the user either by a STYNET call with arg 2 negative, or by a CLOSE of any of the channels involved (this also happens when the job is killed.) It is an error to IOT on any of the channels without breaking the connection first. The STYNET call returns immediately, without actually transferring any data. The program can assume that the connection is still in effect until it is notified of a disconnection by an interrupt on the net input channel. While the connection lasts, interrupts on the net channels due to arriving data are intercepted by the system, so an interrupt implies that the connection has been broken. When a %TDORS comes out of the STY, indicating that the TTY's output buffer has been cleared, this is indicated to the net output channel by means of a network interrupt (NCP only), and the string of up to 3 characters specified as the fourth argument to the STYNET call. If TCP, these characters are PUSHed with the URGENT bit set. If you use STYNET with the official TELNET protocol, you must turn on the %TPTEL bit in the STY TTY's TTYOPT variable, to cause the sequence CR-LF to be turned into just a CR. For the Chaosnet: arg 1 - STY channel arg 2 - Chaos channel to connect to, or -1 to disconnect arg 3 - Other Chaos channel (not actually used) arg 4 - Output-reset character sequence, up to 3 8-bit characters left-justified. This works the same as on the Arpanet. The specified STY is connected to or disconnected from a Chaos net channel. Data is transferred in and out by the system without the need for intervention by the user program. If an unusual condition occurs, the STY is disconnected from the Chaos channel and the user is interrupted. It is illegal to do I/O on any of the involved channels while they are connected. This call is provided for the benefit of the "Telnet" server. Errors: 2 WRONG DIRECTION An input net channel was supplied as the third argument, or an output channel was supplied as the second argument. 23 FILE LOCKED The STY or one of the network channels is already direct-connected to another network channel or another STY. 41 OTHER END OF PIPELINE GONE OR NOT OPEN An attempt was made to disconnect a STY not already connected. T11MP: PDP-10 to PDP-11 map arg 1 Page number within the user's core. That page must be either non-existent or shared with an absolute page. The user's virtual page is made to share with some arbitrarily chosen absolute page, which is then made to share with PDP-11 memory according to argument 2. arg 2 Desired PDP-10 to PDP-11 map word. 4.9 Valid (must be 1). 4.8 Write enable. 4.7-4.3 Unused. 4.2-3.9 PDP-11 number. See below. 3.8-2.2 Relocation (origin of segment in PDP-11 address space). = 4*. 2.1-1.1 Protection (number of accessible words - 1). = 4*. If protection=0 then only one 16-bit word is accessible. The CORBLK symbolic system call may be used in the special case of mapping one's TV console video buffer memory. The AI KA-10 has a PDP-10 to PDP-11 interface which lets the PDP-10 programmer directly access the memories of up to eight PDP-11's. PDP-10 pages are mapped into segments of variable size in the PDP-11's memory. The PDP-10 to PDP-11 page map is also directly addressable in memory (it currently lives in absolute locations 2,,776000 - 2,,776377). There are 256. such entries, one for each page in the range 2,,0 - 2,,777777, which are the addresses fielded by the PDP-10 to PDP-11 interface. ITS allocates these pages and their corresponding map entries randomly as needed. When the PDP-10 attempts to access a physical address in the range 2,,0 to 2,,777777, the interface uses the 776000 bits to index the map words. If the appropriate map word does not have its valid bit set, the memory is considered non-existent. The same is true if the reference would violate the protection bounds. The reference also fails if it is a write reference and the map word does not have the write enable bit set. Otherwise, the relocation quantity is added to the 1777 bits, and this determines which PDP-11 double-word to access. The PDP-11 number determines which PDP-11 to access, of course. The PDP-11 double-word corresponds to the high 32. bits of the PDP-10 word, as follows: PDP-10 BIT PDP-11 WORD AND BIT 4.9 0 15 4.8 0 14 4.7 0 13 --- --- --- 3.4 0 01 3.3 0 00 3.2 1 15 3.1 1 14 --- --- --- 1.6 1 01 1.5 1 00 When reading the PDP-11 memory, bits 1.4-1.1 are read as zeros. When writing, 1.4=1 means don't change word 0, 1.3=1 means don't change word 1, and 1.2-1.1 are ignored. Split cycles do the right thing, so ILDB and IDPB should work correctly. Note that accessing consecutive 16.-bit PDP-10 bytes will access consecutive PDP-11 words, but accessing consecutive 8-bit PDP-10 bytes will not access consecutive PDP-11 bytes! Rather, the PDP-11 bytes are accessed in the order 1, 0, 3, 2. The following PDP11s are currently (4/2/76) attached. 0 The pdp11 that runs the AI KA-10 TV system. 1 The pdp11 that runs the AI KA-10 XGP. 2 The Lisp Machine GT40. 3 The Chess Machine (not really a pdp11.) 4 The Logo pdp11/45. 5 The Micro-Automation pdp11/45. Errors: 1 NO SUCH DEVICE There is no PDP-11 connected to this PDP-10. 3 DEVICE NOT READY The PDP-11 is not ready. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS The page number is invalid, or the map word has bit 4.9=0. 37 NO CORE AVAILABLE No map words free. TCPOPN: open a TCP Internet connection (TCP;TCPDOC >) arg 1 - receive channel number arg 2 - transmit channel number arg 3 - local port # (-1 to gensym a unique local port #) arg 4 - foreign port # (-1 for wild port) arg 5 - foreign host address (HOSTS3 fmt) (-1 for wild host) arg 6 - Retransmission timeout (optional, not yet used) Control bits: - None needed for channels - they are opened as .UAI and .UAO automatically (no other modes possible). - 7 vs 8 bit ASCII transfers can be determined by user-space byte pointer used in SIOT. System buffers are always 8-bit bytes. %NOLSN - Listen mode Note a value of -1 for either the foreign port or host will imply that the call is a "listen". Return is always immediate, use NETBLK to determine when the channels become open. For a non-listen call, there is an internal ITS timeout, but for listen the state can persist forever. ERRORS: 6 - No free TCBs or buffers available (system has too many active conns) 7 - TCP disabled in system. 11 - Bad local or fgn port # 13 - Connection already exists with these ports 14 - Bad channel # arguments. 33 - Illegal to use same channel for both input/output. TRANAD: add a translation entry (ITS TRANSL) cbits 2.9 Atomic translation (do not retranslate). 2.8 0 => TRNLST, 1 => TRNLS1. The TRNLST applies only to the specified job; the TRNLS1 applies to the job and its inferiors, direct or indirect. 1.2 Output translation. 1.1 Input translation. Before the control bits are interpreted, the LH of arg 1 is XOR'd into them. arg 1 RH is a . LH XOR'd into cbits. arg 2 AOBJN pointer to a block of "from" names. arg 3 AOBJN pointer to a block of "new" names. Each AOBJN pointer should point to a block of from one to four words. These are, in order, the device, file name 1, file name 2, and sname which are to be translated. All names are left-justified within a word. A zero or omitted word is equivalent to *. Before creating the translation, a TRANDL is performed on the first two arguments to prevent duplicate translations. Uuos and symbolic system calls affected by translation include .FDELE, .OPEN, MLINK, RENAME, and OPEN. Errors: 5 DIRECTORY FULL No room in system for new translation entry. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Not meaningful to put a translation on the PDP-6. 35 NO SUCH JOB TRANCL: clear translation list (delete all entries) (ITS TRANSL) cbits 2.8 Clear TRNLS1. 2.7 Clear TRNLST. The TRNLST applies only to the specified job; the TRNLS1 applies to the job and its inferiors, direct or indirect. Before the control bits are interpreted, the LH of arg 1 is XOR'd into them. arg 1 RH is a . LH XOR'd into cbits. Either or both lists may be cleared with a single call. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Not meaningful to clear translation lists for PDP-6. 35 NO SUCH JOB TRANDL: delete a translation entry (ITS TRANSL) cbits 2.8 0 means TRNLST, 1 means TRNLS1. The TRNLST applies only to the specified job; the TRNLS1 applies to the job and its inferiors, direct or indirect. 1.2 Stop translating for output. 1.1 Stop translating for input. Before the control bits are interpreted, the LH of arg 1 is XOR'd into them. arg 1 RH is a . LH XOR'd into cbits. arg 2 An AOBJN pointer to a block of names. The AOBJN pointer should point to a block of from one to four words. These are, in order, the device, file name 1, file name 2, and sname which are no longer to be translated. All names are left-justified within a word. A zero or omitted word is equivalent to *. Errors: 4 FILE NOT FOUND No such translation entry to delete. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Not meaningful to delete translation entry for PDP-6. 35 NO SUCH JOB TRANEX: examine a translation list (ITS TRANSL) cbits 2.8 0 means TRNLST, 1 means TRNLS1. The TRNLST applies only to the specified job; the TRNLS1 applies to the job and its inferiors, direct or indirect. Before the control bits are interpreted, the LH of arg 1 is XOR'd into them. arg 1 RH is a . LH XOR'd into cbits. arg 2 AOBJN pointer to array in core. val 1 AOBJN pointer to tail end of array, i.e. the part not needed to hold the data. The translation list is stored as consecutive nine-word blocks of translation information. Each block has the following form: wd 0 4.9 Atomic translation entry. 3.2 Output translation. 3.1 Input translation. wd 1 "from" device name. wd 2 "from" file name 1. wd 3 "from" file name 2. wd 4 "from" sname. wd 5 "to" device name. wd 6 "to" file name 1. wd 7 "to" file name 2. wd 8 "to" sname. A zero word for a "from" name means translate for any name in that position; a zero "to" word means don't change that name when translating. Errors: 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Not meaningful to examine translation list for PDP-6. 35 NO SUCH JOB 37 NO CORE AVAILABLE Supplied array too small to hold data. TRANS: translate some file names (ITS TRANSL) cbits 1.1 0 for input, 1 for output. arg 1 "from" device name. arg 2 "from" file name 1 (defaults to zero). arg 3 "from" file name 2 (defaults to zero). arg 4 "from" sname (defaults to job's current sname). arg 5 mode (XOR'd with control bits; defaults to 0). val 1 "to" device name. val 2 "to" file name 1. val 3 "to" file name 2. val 4 "to" sname. The given file names are translated by the same rules for translation governing the operations of OPEN, RENAME, DELETE, and MLINK. These rules are as follows. Translation lists are searched in the order: executing job's TRNLST executing job's TRNLS1 executing job's superior's TRNLS1 that job's superior's TRNLS1 . . . top-level job's TRNLS1 system job's TRNLS1 The lists are searched for an entry matching the given "from" file names. A translation entry is said to match if each "from" name matches the entry's corresponding name, and if the translation entry applies to the mode (input or output). A name in turn matches if the entry's name is the same as the given name, or if the entry's name is * (matches anything). If a match is found, the given file names are replaced by the "to" file names in the translation entry, except that in the entry a "to" file name of * means don't change the given name; the process is then repeated from the beginning unless the matching translation entry is atomic. When this happens, or when a full search finds no matching translation entries, the translation process is complete. To prevent endless retranslation, it is considered an error to repeat the translation process more than eight times. When a job is first created its TRNLST and TRNLS1 are null. The TRANAD, TRANCL, TRANDL, and TRANEX symbolic system calls may be used to examine and modify translation lists. Errors: 3 TOO MANY TRANSLATIONS No more than eight consecutive translations are permitted. TRPOPN: Open trap-device channel arg 1 arg 2 channel number in that job arg 3 IOCHNM word (only LH is used) arg 4 IOCHST word The specified channel of the specified job is made a trap-device channel. Almost any attempt to use it will cause a %PITRP interrupt. See documentation of the TRAP: device. Errors: 13 FILE ALREADY EXISTS The specified channel is open. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER arg 2 is invalid. 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The is not clobberable. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The is the pdp-6. TTYESC: simulate type-in of ^_ arg 1 Pretends that the user has just typed in a ^_. The next character the user types will be interpreted as a ^_ command. The intended use of this is for programs which use super-image input, so that ^_ does not have its normal effect, but which wish to provide an escape convention so that the effect of ^_ can be obtained. When the program sees the escape character sequence as input, it should do a TTYESC. Errors: 7 DEVICE NOT READY The terminal is already in the middle of a ^_ code being typed by the user. TTYFLS: flush TTY input arg 1 control bits: 1.1 0 => cause the last interrupt character .ITYIC'ed to be ignored by .IOT. 1 => discard all input up to and including the last character .ITYIC'ed. This call is normally used by TTY input interrupt handlers. TTYGET: read the variables TTYST1, TTYST2, TTYSTS (ITS TTY) arg 1 or val 1 TTYST1 variable. This variable contains six groups of six bits. Each group is as follows: 1.6 %TGMPE Echo at main program level (when IOT'ed). 1.5 %TGPIE Echo at interrupt level (when typed). 1.4 %TGIMG Echo in image mode. 1.3 %TGSPC Special hack: convert lower case to upper. 1.2 %TGACT Activation character. 1.1 %TGINT Interrupt character. The character groups are: 4.9-4.4 ^@-^F ^K ^L ^N-^R ^T-^Z ^\-^_ 4.3-3.7 Upper and lower case letters. 3.6-3.1 Digits. 2.9-2.4 ! " # $ % & ' , . : ; ? @ \ ` | ~ 2.3-1.7 + * - / = ^ _ 1.6-1.1 < > ( ) [ ] { } val 2 TTYST2 variable. Six more groups of six bits: 4.9-4.4 ^G ^S 4.3-3.7 ^I ^J (tab, linefeed) 3.6-3.1 altmode (33) 2.9-2.4 ^M (carriage return) 2.3-1.7 rubout (177) 1.6-1.1 space, ^H (backspace) val 3 TTYSTS variable. 4.9 %TSFRE Free console (not in use). 4.8 %TSCLE ^L should echo as "^L" (normally clears screen on displays). 4.7 %TSHDX Same as %TOHDX. Vestigial. 4.6 %TSFCO Use full 12-bit TV char set for output and echoing: echo CONTROL as ALPHA, echo META as BETA, echo SUPER as EPSILON, and use Sail graphics if TOP is set. 4.5 %TSALT Do not standardize altmodes. 4.4 %TSROL Scroll mode. 4.3 %TSSAI Echo and ascii output use SAIL character set. 4.2 %TSACT Next input IOT shouldn't wait for an activation character. 4.1 %TSNEA Don't echo in echo area; echo in M.P. Area. 3.9 %TSINT Next input character should interrupt even if it ordinarily would not (%TGINT = 0). 3.8 %TSMOR Inhibit **MORE** processing. 3.7 %TSATY Set whenever an .ATTY executed by some superior returns the tty to the job. 3.4 %TSNOE Defer echoing. 3.3 %TSLCZ Last character typed was ^Z. This bit causes .ATTY's to fail. 3.2 %TSSII Super-image input. The special actions of ^Z and ^_ are suppressed. 3.1 %TSCNS This is a console, not a device. 2.9-1.1 The user index of the job which controls the tty, or -1 if the tty is free. val 4 the TTYTYP variable See the CNSGET documentation. val 5 the TCTYP variable See the CNSGET documentation. Values 4 and 5 probably should not be depended upon. See also the CNSGET, CNSSET, and TTYSET symbolic system calls. Errors: 1 NO SUCH DEVICE No tty exists with the specified number. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE TTYSET: set the variables TTYST1, TTYST2, TTYSTS (ITS TTY) arg 1 or arg 2 TTYST1 variable. See under TTYGET. arg 3 TTYST2 variable. See under TTYGET. arg 4 TTYSTS variable (optional). See under TTYGET. %TSFRE, %TSHDX, %TSLCZ, and %TSCNS may not be altered, nor may the RH. See also the CNSGET, CNSSET, and TTYGET symbolic system calls. Errors: 1 NO SUCH DEVICE No tty exists with the specified number. 14 BAD CHANNEL NUMBER 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE TTYVAR: read or set a variable associated with a TTY. arg 1 or In the simplest mode: arg 2 the name of a tty variable, in SIXBIT. arg 3 (if writing) the new value. If arg 3 is not supplied, you are reading, and val 1 is the value of the variable. In immediate-instruction mode: arg 2 the SIXBIT name of a tty variable. arg 3 ignored arg 4 the instruction This mode is detected by the presence of four arguments. The specified instruction is executed as if the variable was in ac 0. MOVE can be used to set the variable, MOVEM to read it, but you can also use TLO to set bits, ADDI to increment, etc. In block mode arg 2 an AOBJN pointer to a block of pairs of words. This mode is detected by bits 4.1-4.9 of arg 2 being all ones. The first word in each pair is the SIXBIT name of a tty variable, and the second word is an instruction to be executed as if that variable were in ac 0. The block pointer argument is updated. The TTY variables include HEIGHT, WIDTH, ISPEED, OSPEED, TTYOPT, TTYTYP, TTYCOM, TCTYP, TTYROL, TTYSMT, and IDLTIM. See .INFO.;ITS TTY for a description of their meanings. The instructions allowed in immediate-instruction and block modes are: MOVx, MOVxI, MOVEM, ADD, ADDI, SUB, SUBI, all Booleans in normal and immediate modes, and TxZ, TxC, and TxO (i.e. all Test instructions that modify and don't skip.) Errors: 11 ILLEGAL FILE NAME Unrecognized tty variable name. 26 DEVICE WRITE-LOCKED Specified variable or specified tty cannot be written. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Attempt to store an illegal value in the TCTYP variable, or an illegal instruction was specified in immediate- instruction or block mode. TVWHER: tell where a TV is arg 1 or val 1 The keyboard number of the physical terminal in use. The correspondence between keyboard numbers and physical locations is in the file SYSENG;TVKBD ROOMS, which is how the NAME program gets this information. If this table and that file disagree, that file is correct, and please update this table. As of February 7, 1977, these correspondences were in effect: KBD # ROOM WHO LIVES THERE 0 809 Fahlman, Holloway, Knight x7807 1 810 Lavin, Kuipers, Miller, Bruss x7836 2 919 Very Small Data Bases north x6765 3 812 Yvonne, Karen x5876 4 813 Hewitt x5873 5 814 Sussman, McDermott x5874 6 808 Freiling, Lozano-Perez, Ullman x5875 10 817 Jabari x6218 13 819 Goldstein x5879 14 820 Minsky x5864 17 822 Marr x2082 21 824 Rich, Levin, DeKleer x6032 22 825 Purcell, Doyle x5848 23 826 Fredkin's Folly x5904 30 925 Moon (Tycho, north wall) x6765 31 902 Mason, Raibert, Hollerbach x3483 32 919 Very Small Data Bases south x6765 33 344 Edwards, Lebel x6765 34 913 Baisley, Greenblatt x6765 35 914 Gosper's Fishbowl x2076 36 912 9th Floor Lounge x6765 37 907 Chess, Lisp Machines x6765 val 2 The number of the TV video buffer in use on this tty (0-17 octal). This is NOT a Video Switch input number. Errors: 1 NO SUCH DEVICE No tty exists with the specified number. 10 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE The PDP-11 which services the TV consoles is down. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The specified tty was not a TV, or the specified channel was not a or . UNLOCK: Unlock JOB's locks. arg 1 If the specified job is writable, and is using the locks feature, its locks are unlocked. (Usually this is used on onesself.) See the ITS LOCKS file for more information on locks. Errors: 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The specified job is not writable. Plus the usual errors for arguments. USRMEM: Read or write another job's memory cbits 2.9 Allow writing into any job 1.1 If page isn't readable or writable give an MPV or pure interrupt to the job being referenced. arg 1 Other args are like USRVAR and TTYVAR. In place of a variable-specifier you put the address in the job of the word to be read or written. arg 2 Address to read or write (non-negative) Straight reading: Specify only 2 arguments. Straight writing: arg 3 New value Writing with an instruction: arg 3 Ignored arg 4 Instruction to write with Block mode: arg 2 An AOBJN pointer to a block of pairs, first address and then instruction. val 1 Previous contents (these are not valid in block mode) val 2 New contents Reading: The content of the specified address in is returned as val 1. Writing: Arg 3 is written into the specified address in . The previous contents are returned as val 1. Writing with an instruction: The instruction should modify its AC as if the spec'd job's memory location were in it. The memory operand is fetched from your own address space and is not stored back. No jobs can run while the location is being modified, that is between the fetching of the old value and the storing of the new value. The previous contents are returned as val 1, the new contents as val 2. Errors: 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB The specified job is not writable. 32 CAN'T GET THAT ACCESS TO PAGE The specified page is either nonexistant or is read-only. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Attempt to specify an illegal instruction for writing. USRVAR: Read or set some of a job's variables arg 1 In the simplest mode: arg 2 user variable specifier (see below). arg 3 (if writing) the new value. If arg 3 is not supplied, you are reading, and val 1 is the value of the variable. In immediate-instruction mode: arg 2 user variable specifier (see below). arg 3 ignored arg 4 the instruction This mode is detected by the presence of four arguments. The specified instruction is executed as if the variable was in ac 0. MOVE can be used to set the variable, MOVEM to read it, but you can also use TLO to set bits, ADDI to increment, etc. In block mode arg 2 an AOBJN pointer to a block of pairs of words. This mode is detected by bits 4.1-4.9 of arg 2 being all ones. The first word in each pair is the user variable specifier (see below), and the second word is an instruction to be executed as if that variable were in ac 0. The block pointer argument is updated. The instructions allowed in immediate-instruction and block modes are: MOVx, MOVxI, MOVEM, ADD, ADDI, SUB, SUBI, all Booleans in normal and immediate modes, and TxZ, TxC, and TxO (i.e. all Test instructions that modify and don't skip.) This call is the symbolic equivalent of the .USET and .SUSET UUO's. It can read, write, or both (but you are usually not allowed to write any job except yourself or an inferior); it is a .SUSET if the is %JSELF, or a .USET if given a channel number as the , or it can be given other kinds of job specs. The user variable specifier can be either numeric or sixbit. If sixbit, it is the same as the name given in the ITS USETS file except without the dot at the beginning. Sixbit specifiers are good for programs which take arguments as to which user variable to operate on, and are useful to allow a program which uses a new variable to assemble before that variable is actually put in the system (it will get error code 11 when it tries to refer to the variable.) A numeric specifier is a small integer similar to those used with the .USET and .USET uuos. Predefined symbols exist for these, consisting of ".R" followed by the name of the variable. (Use ".R" rather than ".S" even if you are writing.) Do not use the symbols without the "R" (these are something else.) The .IOC, .IOS, .IOP, and .PMAP arrays of user variables can only be specified numerically. See the .SUSET and .USET UUO's (in .INFO.;ITS UUOS) for more information on particular user variables. Errors: 11 ILLEGAL FILE NAME Unrecognized sixbit user variable specifier, or numeric specifier larger than the legal range. 12 MODE NOT AVAILABLE The specified variable is not available for the current combination of reading versus writing and self versus other job. 13 FILE ALREADY EXISTS Attempt to cause two jobs in the system to have the same UNAME/JNAME pair. 31 CAN'T MODIFY JOB Attempt to write into a user variable of a job which is not writable. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Attempt to specify an illegal instruction in immediate- instruction or block mode; or attempt to store an illegal value into a user variable (e.g. zero into the .UNAME). 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE Attempt to access user variables of the pdp-6 other than .UIND or .MEMT. 40 NOT TOP LEVEL Attempt to set a user variable for a job that is not top level, when only top-level jobs are allowed to set that variable, for example the .UNAME and .JNAME. VIDBUF: request/release video buffer arg 1 If non-negative, the number of a video buffer to release. If negative, requests a video buffer. val 1 If arg 1 was negative, the number of the buffer obtained. A video buffer for the PDP-11 TV consoles is assigned or released. If assigned, the video switch input number of that buffer is returned. This value can be placed in bits 4.1-3.3 of the .TVCREG user variable in order to cause video buffer pages in one's page map to refer to the allocated video buffer. A video buffer is a segment of PDP-11 memory large enough to represent all the bits on a TV display. A display is 1100=576. bits wide by 706=454. lines high. Every line is represented by 36. 16.-bit PDP-11 words; this corresponds to 18. PDP-10 words as mapped through the PDP-10 to PDP-11 interface (see the T11MP symbolic system call). The word with the lowest address holds the leftmost displayed bits; furthermore within each word bit 15 is the leftmost displayed bit. Thus, as seen by the PDP-10 bits are displayed in the "obvious" manner. The entire buffer is 16344.=37730 PDP-11 words long; this corresponds to 8172.=17754 PDP-10 words. The word 77777 PDP-11 words (17777 PDP-10 words) from the origin of the video buffer is a special control register: 3.2-2.9 15-13 Unused. 2.8 12 0 => white on black, 1 => black on white. 2.7-1.5 11-00 Scroll offset: video buffer wraps around; the first word displayed is that 4* PDP-11 bytes from the buffer origin. For best results this should be a multiple of 9 (for vertical scrolling). The PDP-11 always sees a video buffer as beginning at its location 60000 (byte address); which video buffer it is looking at is controlled by the console register at location 164044 octal. Thus the PDP-11 sees the scroll register as being at address 157776 octal. See also the VIDSW symbolic system call. Errors: 4 FILE NOT FOUND Attempt to release a buffer not assigned to the job. 7 DEVICE NOT READY The PDP-11 is not ready. 33 MEANINGLESS ARGS Arg 1 is non-negative but not a valid video buffer number. VIDSW: set video switch arg 1 Video switch input number. arg 2 Video switch output number. The video switch is set up so that the specified video output will gobble bits from the specified video input. As of July 25, 1975, the only video inputs are TV video buffers. These correspond to Tnm device numbers as follows: Tnm Video Input Number T47 24 T47 is used for console free buffer. T52 1 When you type ESCS, is T53 2 the video input number. The PDP-11 T54 5 merely switches that input to your T55 6 TV display, which is a video output. T56 7 T57 10 T60 21 T61 22 T62 23 The possible video outputs are mostly TV displays, but also the Tektronix hard-copy device which sits next to the XGP. (The keyboard number may be relevant to use of the TVWHER symbolic system call.) As of July 25, 1975: Video Output Keyboard Location of TV 0 0 809 Fahlman, Holloway, Knight 1 14 820 Minsky 2 21 824 Rich, McDonald, deKleer 3 6 815 Freiling, Perez, Ullman 4 10 817 Jabari 5 22 825 Freuder, Grossman, Purcell 6 4 813 Hewitt 7 5 814 Brown, McDermott, Sussman 10 13 819 Goldstein, Woods 11 17 822 Marr, Sandewall 12 35 915 Cohen, Gosper, etc. 13 34 913 Baisley, Greenblatt 14 33 334 Lebel 15 30 925 Jarvis, Moon 16 31 918 Freeman 17 32 920 Computer room, near PDP-11 20 3 812 Yvonne, Williams 21 36 912 9th Floor Lounge 22 37 914 Larson, Lebel, Mousouriss 23 1 810 Kuipers 27 Tektronix hard-copy output device. Errors: 7 DEVICE NOT READY The PDP-11 is not ready. WHOLIN: examine and set TV who-line (ITS TV) arg 1 or Must be a TV terminal if a . arg 2 If present, used to set new who mode: -1 No who-line. 0 User who-line; migrates with TTY. 1 User who-line; frozen on who job. 4 System who-line. arg 3 If present, used to set new who . val 1 Old who mode. val 2 Old who job. The TTY must be specified by a channel number and not by 400000 + tty number if the variables are to be altered. See ITS TV. Errors: 1 NO SUCH DEVICE No tty exists with the specified number. 10 DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE The PDP-11 which services the TV consoles is down. 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The specified tty was not a TV, or the specified channel was not a or . WHYINT: Find out reason for second-word interrupt arg 1 channel # (or ) val 1 %WY code (see below) val 2-n device-dependent This system call is the standard response to a second-word (.IFPIR) interrupt. The first value returned is a code number which indicates the type of device on the channel. Usually a program will know what type of device is present, because it only tries to use one type, but this value is provided just in case. The codes are: 1 %WYTYI TTY input 2 %WYTYO TTY output 3 %WYSTI STY input 4 %WYSTO STY output 5 %WYNET (Arpa)NET 6 %WYCHA CHAosnet 7 %WYTCP TCP Internet The device-dependent values returned are: For a TTY input channel: val 1 %WYTYI val 2 character typed. Reading characters this way does not interfere with later reading them via normal IOT. This allows characters to be processed both as interrupt characters at the time they are typed, and as normal input. The call fails to skip if there are no more interrupt characters. The program should keep calling WHYINT until it fails to skip, then DISMIS the interrupt. For a TTY output channel: val 1 %WYTYO val 2 bit mask of reasons. The only reason that presently exists is: 4.9 --MORE-- interrupt. (Typeout reached the bottom of the screen.) For a STY input channel: val 1 %WYSTI For a STY output channel: val 1 %WYSTO For a NET (Arpanet NCP) channel: val 1 %WYNET val 2 Sign bit 1 if "network interrupt" received. Right Half Socket state: 0 %NSCLS Connection closed. 1 %NSLSN Listening for RFC. 2 %NSRFC RFC received while listening. 3 %NSRCL CLS received while in %NSRFC state. 4 %NSRFS RFC sent. 5 %NSOPN Connection open. 6 %NSRFN RFNM wait on write link. 7 %NSCLW CLS sent, waiting for matching CLS. 10 %NSCLI CLS received but input still available. 11 %NSINP Input available. val 3 Number of bytes of input available (if input channel). Number of bytes free in output buffer (if output channel.) val 4 Close reason. Only valid if val 2 is %NSCLS. 0 %NCNTO Never opened. 1 %NCUSR Closed by user. 2 %NCFRN Closed by foreign host. 3 %NCRST Foreign host reset itself. 4 %NCDED Foreign host dead. 5 %NCINC Incomplete transmission. 6 %NCBYT Byte size mismatch. 7 %NCNCP Local NCP went down (local host dead). 10 %NCRFS Request for Connection rejected by fgn host. For a TCP channel: val 1 %WYTCP val 2 state code (see below) val 3 input: # bytes avail, output: # bytes free in buffer val 4 Close reason (same values/meanings as for NET. See definition of %NX== in SYSTEM;BITS > if curious.) The TCP state codes are defined in SYSTEM;BITS > at %NT==: ; Legend: - Pre-Open, * Open, + Post-open, ? impossible. ; I = can read, O = can write. ; Note that the input and output channels for a TCP connection ; will usually have different states. Also, note that ; for all practical purposes, %NT and %NS symbols with the same ; value have the same meaning. SYN = Request for connection. ; In Out %NTCLS==:0 ; - - Closed (reason available from WHYINT) %NTLSN==:1 ; - - Listening for a SYN %NTSYR==:2 ; - - SYN received %NTCLU==:3 ; + ? Being closed by fgn host %NTSYN==:4 ; - - SYN sent, waiting for response %NTOPN==:5 ; *I *O Open %NTWRT==:6 ; ? *O Output buffer full %NTCLX==:7 ; ? + Being closed by user %NTCLI==:10 ; +I ? Closing/closed, input still available %NTINP==:11 ; *I ? Open, input available Chaosnet: val 1 - %WYCHA val 2 - state val 3 - number of packets queued (receive,,transmit) val 4 - window size (receive,,transmit) val 5 - input channel#,,output channel# (-1 if not open or I/O-pushed) LH(val 3) is the number of packets available to input IOT. This is different from the number of received packets if some are out of order. This is increased by 1 if there is a partially-read buffer available to SIOT; this packet is not available to PKTIOT. This is zero if the connection is direct-connected to a STY. RH(val 3) is the number of packet slots available in the output window, i.e. the window size minus the number of packets which have been transmitted by output IOT but which have not yet been received and acknowledged by the foreign host. The state codes are: %CSCLS Closed %CSLSN Listen %CSRFC RFC-received %CSRFS RFC-sent %CSOPN Open %CSLOS Broken by receipt of "LOS" packet. %CSINC Broken by incomplete transmission (no acknowledge for a long time) Errors: 34 WRONG TYPE DEVICE The specified channel supposedly never gives interrupts. XGPIM: xerox graphic printer image output arg 1 Address of a word with the number of pages of data in the left half and the number of the first data page in right half. This word must be in writable memory. Bits are shoved out onto the XGP. I wonder what the precise semantics of this kludge are?